Just finished watching Blue Jasmine, which almost completes my - TopicsExpress


Just finished watching Blue Jasmine, which almost completes my Oscar-winning/nominated movie watching marathon. The Wolf of Wallstreet, 12 Years a Slave, Nebraska, Dallas Buyers Club, Blue Jasmine, American Hustle and Gravity are the movies I have watched. I think only Saving Mr. Banks and August: Osage County are the Oscar-nominated movies left for me to watch. The best movie of 2013, for me, has to be Wolf of Wallstreet. It totally justifies what it sells itself as: comedy. It is really hard to make good comedy movies without making it lame, TWoW was one of those great comedy movies which you can watch over and over again and still laugh every time. The second best, for me, was 12 Years a Slave. A really touching movie with some sublime acting. Michael Fassbender might as well have won the Oscar had it not been for Jared Leto (more on him below). The ending scene was really terrific and teaches us to appreciate our greatest gift: freedom. The third best was Nebraska. I really, really enjoyed watching the movie and if it were more internationally famous, I think June Squibb would have definitely won the Oscar for the best performance in a support role. She was superb, the charm of the movie - almost all the humour that was in the movie came from her. I really dont know how Lupita Nyongo won the Oscar when June gave such a powerful performance. Now on to Dallas Buyers Club. This is a movie that will be remembered for some sensational acting. I still think Leonardo di Caprio deserved the Oscar, but I cant say that Matthew McConaughey didnt deserve his award - he was terrific, the way he acted with his eyes was out of this world. His role was more complete than Leonardos always-having-fun role in TWOW. Jared Leto, hats off. He was so good in Dallas Buyers Club; the best actor of 2013. He played such a complicated role with such ease, it was unbelievable. After watching TWoW, I thought Jonah Hill deserved the Oscar. Then after watching 12 Years a Slave, my vote went towards Michael Fassbender, but Jared Leto showed me why he got that Oscar. We can all debate on all the other awards given, about who should have won it instead of so-and-so, but Jared Leto and Cate Blanchett (more on her below) left no space for any arguments whatsoever. Blue Jasmine was all about how Cate Blanchett carried the movie all by herself for the entire time. The plot was OK at best, but she turned this OK plot to a very good movie. It was one of the hardest roles I have seen one play and Cate did it so naturally, it was as if she was really suffering from some kind of mental trauma. Unreal stuff from her. American Hustle was an over-hyped movie filled with world-class actors and actresses (thats probably the reason why it was over-hyped). The plot was weak, the acting was praise-worthy and in the end, one can understand why it won no Oscars - there was nothing extraordinary about the movie and I, for one, was really disappointed because I expected a lot more from it. Gravity is a movie that, if you dont watch it on 3D, wont ring a bell to your ears. However, having said that, it really deserved the Oscars it got since it was a visual paradise. The plot was very weak, but that was not the point of the movie anyway. The point was to make it a delight to the eye for the viewers and it did that. Overall, an OK year for movies, 2013 was. The ending months of 2013 saved the industry with some great movies in an otherwise dull year.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 15:52:57 +0000

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