Just for the records! We all learn daily and those who wish to - TopicsExpress


Just for the records! We all learn daily and those who wish to honestly improve do so and enjoy the benefit and those who reject the truth because of pride remain stagnant. Preach all you preach if you dont practise it, when our Daddy Jehovah Almighty organise the practical aspect for you the face the reality of your message, if you are not sensitive to notice and consciously pass it you will remain in a vicious cycle until you pass it because there are not short cut in spiritual matters neither can anyone fool or manipulate The Ancient of Days. As I mentioned in one of my post, that I am use to people backstabbing me and it ALWAYS turns out to my favour at the end because I AM A HARMLESS SOUL who knows her purpose and IS WORKING/WALKING in it consciously as The Trinity instructs. A lazy soul CAN NOT share or teach The Everlasting Truth. It takes The Power of The Holy Spirit to share The Everlasting Truth and it came through LOVE, OBEDIENCE, FOCUS AND DETERMINATION to please our Daddy Jehovah Almighty, which is HARD WORK. This has been my track record. And those who backstab me end up with a withered hand and PERMANENT SHAME. Also wish they had not tried it and some would have delivered themselves fast, had the acknowledged and made up or apologised for their wicked act. Unfortunately because they see me as a single woman with 4 Sickle Cell Children, their pride hold them back and keep them in stagnation which not even fasting and prayer can make up for. It was the abuse I suffered as a submissive Christian wife that prompted me to seek God the more and having sickle cell children when I obeyed God and married in accordance to His will for me made me wrestle with Him on my knees as to how come and why until He told me that He needed me for a task that was why use that to get my attention. I would not have asked why if I was loved and had normal children. Everlasting to hallelujah to His holy name because He know the BEST 24/7 and His will is always the BEST even though it may hut or confuse us for a while but all the pain and confusions goes when He grants us understanding. Our Daddy Jehovah Almighty COMMANDED us to love and whosoever obeys that command lives a lighter lifestyle. But ignorant people will disobey and want to use fasting and praying or giving offering and increasing their tithes to want to manipulate their way which cant work because Yahweh Himself is WISDOM and none of His creatures can fool Him. More so, EVERYTHING we have belongs to Him because He gave it to us. I wish to inform us that I am not the type of Christian people pray down fire on because those who tried it got burnt very well and wished they never did. And those who know me well will testify that I dont just say GOD SIAD if He didnt and they will also bear witness that once God speaks I obey, I dont disobey and nobody can manipulate or stop me from obeying God that is the type of Christian I am. Obedience to our Daddy Jehovah Almighty brought me this far not disobedience. Yahweh loves and trust me without measure and yes.....I show off that Jehovah is my Dad and it makes The Almighty God laugh....because He made me to make Him laugh as His little princess in Zion. I am a woman taught and authorised by The Trinity so I live in a bubble NO SOUL can EVER burst. Those who tried end up in shame and it hurts me to see them suffer and I wish I can help them but unfortunately they chose to bring it upon themselves with their own hands so I cant really help them I love them and still wish them well to make our Daddy Jehovah Almighty happy because He watches my heart and sees my thoughts daily. I shared this for THOSE who care to learn to learn the power of love and no matter how wicked people are to you, consciously wish them well for Dad`s sake. Yes it is hard, we all cant get along but you can still love them within you and wish them well without forcing yourself on them because just the way it is impossible for the nose to see or kiss the ears so is it with some people. Practise make perfect so consciously do it and with time you will get use to it by the power of His Spirit that is alive in us all as long as you are willing to do it ....The Holy Spirit will help you accomplish it and it is sweet ,.yes you will FEEL GOOD and lighter. The Almighty God Himself taught little me, leads me and watches over me and orders my steps and everything that concerns me because He is responsible for me. I am, here for a divine purpose and I have FINISHED my share of work and it is irrevocable just as the precious blood of Christ Jesus cant be reversed over us all because it is The Everlasting Sacrifices that melts our Daddy Jehovah Almighty and makes Him see us as little children the brothers and sister of Christ Jesus FOREVER which is why He cant destroy any of His creatures ever again all because of the precious blood of Christ Jesus that speaks for all 24/7. I am the daughter of The Universe, chosen by Yahweh to STAND as a voice for EVERY SOUL. When I say every soul, I speak for everyone who have never heard of Christ Jesus dead and alive and are yet to be born. That is the task our Daddy Jehovah Almighty TRUSTED me with and I have deliver. HELL IS SHUT I saw it. it is not an illusion it is FOR REAL. I have finished my work and it is done and dusted FOREVER all to His glory. I am only sharing it for people to know. It is not what you need to believe or doubt it is irrelevant ..because it is done and sealed FOREVER....just as God is real and not many believe but God is real that is how my work is done and no soul can undo it neither can a doubt change it. Because sin is sin none is new or big nor small and every generation display their own drama. So my task is not an easy task. Our Daddy Jehovah Almighty has attached me to these souls thats why my voice is POWERFUL and nobody with one head like me can shut me up and those who try hurt themselves because its like telling He (GOD) who sent me to shut up...and who can shut The Almighty? I dont bind or cast because there is NOTHING TO BIND AND CAST. I love and love and love and to the best of my ability as He empowers me and wish well from my heart where necessary because time is precious to me. 2014 is coming to an end, wisely take account of your activities start making up where necessary for your own good to liberate yourself by yourself because NOBODY can bribe our Daddy Jehovah Almighty with fasting and prayer or tithes and offering. AMAZING THINGS will happen in 2015 and ONLY those who walk/work in liberty as in freedom that will enjoy the NEW THINGS Dad will do in 2015 and love is liberty. So prepare yourself to live and let others live too because the precious blood of Christ Jesus MADE it possible for ALL to give Yahweh different pleasures do prepare your mind to mind your business and let others mind theirs because our purpose in life differs and so is the needs to fulfil it too. The way forward is to obey the command of LOVE. Give others what is due them and dont stand as a hindrance to the progress of anyone because we were not redeemed to fight or defend The Almighty God it is the other way round....He fights and defends us and it is in obedience that our victory will be established to His everlasting glory in Christ Jesus and when you become conscious of the understanding that He is watching your every moves and intentions you will be propelled to please Him and the end result of your obedience will be to your favour and to His glory because Yahweh DOES NOT share His glory with ANY OF HIS CREATURES. Peace unto you all my lovelies in Christ Jesus who loves everyone with an everlasting love, and that is why He will not return in physical to rapture anyone because He IS HERE already The Trinity are inseparable and if you study your bible very well you will also understand that Emmanuel ....God is with all ......Holy Sprit IS HERE forever...,..It is a mystery ..you will understand in obedience not in disobedience. John 14:23New International Version (NIV) 23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Wisely live and expect death not rapture because Jesus is not coming back physically to rapture ANYONE because He shed His precious blood over 2000 years ago to save the whole world from sin every soul is precious to Him that is why He will not forgive others and destroy others. Live is a learning curve, without mistakes our understanding will be limited and NOBODY gets everything RIGHT 24/7. Toniaamaka....everlasting obedience to You Dad in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 08:09:26 +0000

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