Just got in feeling very, very cynical. No reply on Tinder. I - TopicsExpress


Just got in feeling very, very cynical. No reply on Tinder. I realize I need to be patient, but 32 years of experience tells me to expect absolutely no reply whatsoever. Sighs. Where, oh where, are you my conservative Queen . . . ? Please enter my life because I need you!!! Mind you, this disappointing bit of news did help push me back to the right again. -- Speaking of which, I learned from Sean Hannity today that China extended its support to Moscow. That definitely ups the ante and makes this situation that much more precarious. Sighs. Also, Sean slammed Secretary of State John Kerry for being unable to recognize that Putin has and continues to maintain a pre-Cold-War mentality. So while an actual Cold War may not exist, we need to keep his mentality in mind. That reminds me. Yesterday, German Chancellor Angela Murkel questioned whether Putin is still in touch with reality. She went so far as to accuse him of living in another world. I completely disagree with that assessment. Call me crazy, but I think Putin knows exactly whats he doing. He is one very cunning bastard: [Because he can. That’s it, that’s all you need to know. The situation in Kiev—in which people representing one half of the country (the Ukrainian-speaking west) took power to some extent at the expense of the Russian-speaking east—created the perfect opportunity for Moscow to divide and conquer… Russia, or, more accurately, Putin, sees the world according to his own logic, and the logic goes like this: it is better to be feared than loved, it is better to be overly strong than to risk appearing weak, and Russia was, is, and will be an empire with an eternal appetite for expansion. And it will gather whatever spurious reasons it needs to insulate itself territorially from what it still perceives to be a large and growing NATO threat. Trying to harness Russia with our own logic just makes us miss Putin’s next steps.] ~~ Julia Ioffe @ New Republican // The guy wants world domination, and unfortunately, he keeps out-maneuvering us. He did so in Iran. He did so in Syria. He did so with Snowden. And now he continues to do it Ukraine. Wow. This shit is truly unprecedented for me. Very interesting, though! -- Now to some very interesting stuff. Both Palin and Romney warned about the threat of Russia: [After the Russian Army invaded the nation of Georgia, Senator Obamas reaction was one of indecision and moral equivalence, the kind of response that would only encourage Russias Putin to invade Ukraine next.] ~~ Sarah Palin in 2008 [Russia…is, without question, our number one geopolitical foe. They fight every cause for the world’s worst actors…But when these—these terrible actors pursue their course in the world and we go to the United Nations looking for ways to stop them, when—when Assad, for instance, is murdering his own people, we go—we go to the United Nations, and who is it that always stands up for the world’s worst actors? It is always Russia, typically with China alongside.] ~~~ Mitt Romney in 2012 Lo and behold, two conservatives who liberals relentlessly mocked turned out to be absolutely correct! How you like that apple, you friggen bastards? Har Har Har! -- Last but not least (show got cut off early), I learned that Boehner plans to run for the Speaker of the House again! Wow! Completely belies all the rumors about him retiring. Not sure how I feel about this. While I like Boehner, I kind of want someone fresh and new in the House, i.e., someone with bold ideas!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 00:12:46 +0000

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