Just got this from someone whos dad remembers the last time we - TopicsExpress


Just got this from someone whos dad remembers the last time we were promise the world then sold down the river!! Dont believe Westminster!! Theyve done this before!! This is from a friends facebook post, A friends father but also a friend himself with a bit more life experience & a lot better a memory than me. Thought this might interst - Its taken me a while to commit my thoughts to cyber paper especially as some people are feeling bullied about the referendum issue (thatl be you Jude) but I cant do or say nothing when I see history repeating itself and the result of a no decision. Ive been blessed with a long memory and a goodly amount of gumption. I remember in the early seventies standing in a country school with my toddler son on my shoulders and my baby daughter in her pram (thatl be you Jude) and voting No to the uk entering the then European market, the majority that day voted no BUT no sooner had the votes been counted when Ted Heath the then Tory prime minister, announce that it was NOT the majority of those who voted BUT the majority of the electorate, who surprise surprise were deemed to have not voted, no, which would have maintained the status quo, BUT yes ? which meant the government got the result it wanted !! Lesson of that day, dont trust the government. A few years later the oil was gushing from the North Sea and the S N P were shouting its Scotlands oil and rebellion started among the people) bells started ringing ?) then began an onslaught of rhetoric from Westminster warning us that if we voted no then the results would cataclysmic for poor wee Scotland and anyway they were going to give us such wonderful new powers that we could have all our cake and eat it ! Wonderful. So Scotland said no. There was a general election looming (bells getting louder ?) and the then Labour Party lost out to the Tories and Maggie Thatcher, who wasted no time in sending Willie Witelaw To Scotland as Scottish secretary with only one remit, to destroy the S N P (available on the freedom of information website) she also decimated the industry of the central belt sending thousands into unemployment and many migrating abroad, (download the lyrics to letter from America the Proclaimers, which tells the story) Thus ensuring the S N P and Scotland couldnt attempt that again! But Scotland and the S N P did what Scotland has always done and picked themselves up and moved on. That takes us to now where the majority of citizens either werent born or were too young to remember these times (thatl be you Jude) and it pains me to see Westminster shouting out the old threats and lies that worked before and them being believed by a new generation of voters. Gumption tells me, that, if the oil is more of a burden than an asset, and going to run out in twenty years, (thats what we were told in 1972 ?) and that we are getting 12 million a year from Westminster than we give, ( Ive been off work less than a month in forty nine years and never thought of myself as a sponger) yet in spite of these burdens naughty Scotland is constantly placing on poor Westminster the three stooges are coming up tomorrow to plead and bully us to stay in the union. If we vote yes I understand that everything wont be rosy overnight, but if we vote no ! In the words of Robbie Burns forward tho I canna see, I guess and fear
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 08:24:07 +0000

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