Just heard at this rate by 2050 1/3 of Americans will have - TopicsExpress


Just heard at this rate by 2050 1/3 of Americans will have diabetes and this is the first generation of American children expected to lead shorter lives then their parents. 80% of food products have added sugar in them and our brain lights up in response to sugar similar to how it reacts to cocaine, people get addicted. MAJOR issue. I know as parents Lindy Marissa Mae and I will be teaching healthy habits and leading from the front, not the back. Monkey see monkey do. Saying eating healthy is too expensive is a joke, what about that medical bill later, talk about expensive. If food is too expensive it sounds like your current financial game plan isnt working out so well, we can talk about fixing that too. I pay less for one of our Meal Replacement shakes or healthy breakfast bars then a McGriddle. People swing into a gas station and buy a sugar loaded, no nutritional value, insane amount of caffeine loaded drink that a guy doing back flips on a motorcycle endorses while Im paying half the price for a Spark which has nutritional value and pro athletes use. You dont have to do AdvoCare but the fact is there are other options. Lindy is always packing Attikus healthy things for the road etc and has never taken him to Micky Ds one time in his life. She cuts up lots of fruit every Sunday and thats his sweets. Is she mean? Is he deprived? He LOVES it and prefers fruit, at his 2nd birthday he barely touched the cake, he will dive for pineapple first. If we expect them to have healthy habits we have to show and teach them healthy habits. #MyWednesdayRant
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 14:19:03 +0000

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