Just in case you are new to Caelynns page here is her - TopicsExpress


Just in case you are new to Caelynns page here is her story: Three year old Caelynn Andrea Iten was diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma on her left femur on September 13, 2013. She will be receiving her first chemo treatment on Thursday, September 19, 2013. This is just the beginning of her battle with this terrible disease. Her parents, family, friends, and our small community were all devastated by the news. However, we are all confident that with many prayers she WILL beat this disease. She is such a wonderful little girl who brings joy to anyone who meets her. We are hoping this page may bring awareness to everyone about this rare form of cancer. This page will also give information about future fundraisers and other ways you can help this beautiful little girl fight this battle. As Caelynn began treatment, we were given two options for her leg either she would have an amputation or rotationplasty. A second opinion was requested with another surgeon and he wanted to do a complete hip disarticulation (meaning an amputation all the way at the hip). The surgeons last words before walking away were, Now remember that before there was chemotherapy, radiation was the only treatment and many times was successful. I would suggest you seek consultation with the radiation specialist. Up to this day we had been told that radiation was probably not an option due to Caelynn’s age. We contacted radiation and although we faced many challenges for an appointment we were finally able to get the doctor to see us. Right away when the doctor came in he said that he would be able to treat her and even if her leg couldn’t be saved at least there would be more bone to save for a better prosthesis and quality of life. We made the decision to do whatever we could because even if it was the slightest chance we could save her leg and get rid of the cancer completely, we wanted to be able to tell her later on in life that we tried everything possible. We were given this news only about a week before her scheduled surgery. It was probably one of the hardest things we had to do during this time, a decision we never imagined ever making. After 31 rounds of radiation we received the news that “NO AMPUTATION WAS NECESSARY!” Caelynn then completed 17 rounds of chemotherapy and of course there were so many challenges throughout. She had numerous blood and platelet transfusions as well as so many nights in the hospital. We lost count of all the fevers and pokes she received throughout her treatment but she never stopped smiling. She kept us strong and I thank God and her Angels for that. We continue to praise God for all of our blessings and though this fight is far from over we will never give up!! Caelynn still has a lot of hard work to do because of a few set backs from a fracture as well as the post radiation effects to her thigh. She works hard in physical therapy and her leg is getting stronger every day. She is walking so much better!! Never underestimate the power of our Lord and the power of prayer!! Our fight will continue by raising awareness about pediatric cancer always hoping that no other child will have to endure all the toxic treatments only available because of the lack of funding for research. Our fight will never be over until less toxic treatments are made available for pediatric cancer!!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 04:50:58 +0000

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