Just received this forwarded email.... love this letter! Givem - TopicsExpress


Just received this forwarded email.... love this letter! Givem CRAP !... ( Parent tells it like it is.... A parent posted on the BCTF web page this past weekend. We can only describe the post with these two words: blunt and direct. They originally posted on the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils strongly suggesting BCCPAC actively advocate for children and the people who teach them.) Dear BCCPAC I saw the news story on you yesterday, and I must say, I have never seen such an aimless, confused, and misguided approach to an issue that one would think would be at the heart of the existence of your organization. Do you truly not know what is happening between the teachers and the government, and do you truly have no bright ideas or recourse to participate in what directly affects your children’s lives? Why do you have no stance or answers? And why is the future of your children’s education not your battle, but the battle of underpaid public servants and the corrupt government that is purposely squeezing them? The same government by the way, in which public corporation CEOs make six figure salaries plus additional bonuses and raises while simultaneously cutting services left and right. Why does it appear that teachers care more about these issues and your children than you do, and you are not really bothered that the government is systematically dismantling your children’s schools? Several comments were made in the story about crossing picket lines, as though merely landing in a classroom is the sole objective and holy grail, no matter the cost or purpose. I am utterly disgusted that you call yourself a parent advisory council, when you clearly neither have the knowledge nor the wherewithal to take a stand to make a difference, choosing instead to be useless bystanders while others fight your battles. Is there some hidden obstructionist agenda I’m missing that won’t allow you to defend your kids? Because teachers aren’t the ones ruining your children’s lives, and in case you’ve forgotten, they are highly educated professionals, not slaves, so why do they not get compensated as much as their colleagues in Toronto, despite our higher cost of living, and why are they not valued as much as their colleagues in Finland, where teaching is more prestigious than law? Finland also has the world’s highest ranked education system so they’re obviously doing something right. What is it about BC that we think it’s okay to run our teachers into the ground, and when will parent organizations such as yours take a stand to lobby for the absolute highest educational standards for your children? I guess you’re okay with cattle-like class sizes, no ESL or disability support, and supplies and extra-curricular resting solely on the generosity of, yes, your children’s teachers. Do you still really not know which side you’re on, and are you still really apathetic? And if you truly dont know the issues, which I find incredibly hard to believe, isn’t it your responsibility to familiarize yourself with them before simply complaining on television? Don’t your kids deserve a fully functional, full-service education system that reflects the highest best practice standards of the supposed ‘best place in the world to live’ and values and compensates its professionals as much as any other sector? (And not unsustainably shut down every two years?) I know what my answers are, and I’m not sure who you’re hoping will swoop in and rescue you if parents really don’t care the outcome so long as their kids are baby-sat. I would think your position as an ‘advisory council’ would take the lead on this sort of advocacy, rather than embarrassingly bury its head in the sand.”
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 00:50:41 +0000

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