Just some thoughts today.. :D My Happiness, My Peace,and My Joy - TopicsExpress


Just some thoughts today.. :D My Happiness, My Peace,and My Joy are in MY Hands. Im very aware and accepting of situations and people as they TRULY represent themselves, (as opposed to what is said or presented over the short term). I must make a clear distinction, that accepting those things, however, does NOT mean suffering them. I know some things need to change for the sake of my own happiness. That power lies only in MY hands and I must be the one to do something in order to realize those things in myself. Ive found that flexibility in life is THE greatest concept that one could understand! I have a lot to share with my family, my friends, and the world, and I share gladly!! But I never give all of myself away.. My Integrity, Values, Grace and Honor, they are what make me, my self, and give me spirit and drive! I accept that I have flaws, and can make mistakes.. Im an imperfect Human Being. But that realization can never stop me from giving my best!! I may, at times become frustrated and ask myself, How many times must I start over? The answer is the simplest of all.. As many times as it takes! And there is a certain solace in that!! One day.. I wont have the choice anymore to try or not, as my time here will be done. I will only be able to look back.. and I want to be proud of my efforts and how I treated people, and know that I left it all in the ring, to coin a phrase! Accepting reality and seeing things for what they actually are, and knowing that tomorrow is not promised puts me in a great position to make clear decisions, and not be side tracked or blind sided, or get lost in the fog! Its not a sad thing.. it is LIBERATING and EMPOWERING!! :D People that dont understand this will try to butt heads with me or try to take me down.. I will not fight them, they will simply be left to their own world. My mission is not to drag people with me kicking and screaming.. I aim to meet and connect with people that really have a similar outlook on our time here. The plan that was made for me, or the cards Ive been dealt, may never take me to the happiness, the places or desires (not necessarily $$ related), that I dream of reaching.. But I was given a life, a brain, a little talent, and a good heart.. I am blessed, and I intend to use my gifts and circumstances to the absolute BEST of my abilities!! One last thing to think about, as we can learn so much from just being still and observing the universe around us.. “Be like water making its way through cracks. Adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Be water, my friend. -Bruce Lee
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:44:30 +0000

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