Just wanted to pass along the information from tonights meeting: - TopicsExpress


Just wanted to pass along the information from tonights meeting: 1. We will be hosting a garage sale during Neoshos city-wide garage sale weekend. This year it is on April 5th. You need to anticipate helping deliver items to the home (were still working out the details on this matter), both set up and clean up, as well as working the sale. Right now your goal should be collecting items from your home and the homes of your friends and family. The more items the better! :) Also if you have access to tables, clothing racks etc that would be great too! 2. Mrs. Sumler has graciously offered to sponsor a 31 Fundraiser in which she will donate her normal commission. She is sending with Mr. Sumler a couple of catalogs tomorrow and she has also offered to do a demonstration with some of her items. Although the items are kind of pricey, with earning 100% profits, by even selling only two items you can make a pretty decent chunk of change. thirtyonegifts/ 3. Per Suzanne Scott and Christina Henadys awesome idea we going to ask permission to host a flamingo flock at our school. I emailed Dr. Stanton after our meeting this evening to see if he would be available to visit tomorrow after school; however, if it is approved I think it can be both a fun and lucrative project. Basically we would be flocking teachers classrooms with pictures of flamingos. A teacher would then have to pay money to have the pictures removed and in turn send them to another teachers classroom. The teacher could opt to purchase insurance to guarantee their classroom doesnt get flocked. If/when this project gets approved well have to print a bunch of pictures and laminate them, but other than that it really doesnt require a whole lot of work (which is nice!). 4. Weve recently discovered something called Amazon Associate in which you can receive a special link (from Amazon) that would enable any purchase made through Amazon to required with anywheres from 5-10% of the purchases made. The chart we found said that if 50 were making annual purchases of $50 we could earn upwards to $2,400 a year. This is pretty cool. My husband is going to contact Amazon tomorrow to figure out the details. 5. Im also going to visit with Mr. Leach tomorrow about potentially having a Seminar Snack Cart available on Fridays. We would purchase the items and walk class to class offering the goodies in exchange for cash. I definitely need to get this ran through administration but I think it could create some serious profit.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 04:01:00 +0000

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