Just what are the PEOPLE in Ferguson THINKING about? Just MAYBE - TopicsExpress


Just what are the PEOPLE in Ferguson THINKING about? Just MAYBE the Police Officer was NOT guilty to have charges brought against him. Just like THOSE PEOPLE saying that Michael Brown was shot in the back as he was running away. It was PROVEN that he had absolutely NO BULLET HOLES coming in or going out of his back. So obviously the officer did NOT shoot him in the back as he was running away. THOSE PEOPLE were also saying that he was shot with his hands raised up in the air giving up to the officer and then the officer shot him. Well which is it. Running away and was shot in the back OR facing the cop with raised arms surrendering. It obviously can NOT be both. OR JUST MAYBE there was a THIRD way that it was really done. Why is it just so hard to believe that the officer was innocent of what they are accusing him of and that Michael Brown after just stealing from a store, why could he not be the aggressor? Why are these type that rob, steal, dont do anything constructive in society, always thought as the innocent one when something happens to them? If it was a white guy doing the exact same events that day and the same thing happened, there would not be one word said. Everyone would just agree that he was a Thug, Low Life and got what he deserved. So why then when it is a black male is it not believable? Especially when statistics show that a black on black crime and black on everyone crime is totally the majority of what is in our jails and prisons. So why when the video has shown Michael Brown stealing cigars in the store and then shoving another black male out of his way while he is trying to leaving the store with the items that he did not pay for, is he thought to be so innocent right from the onset? Why was this UPSTANDING black male Michael Brown, not working a job or doing any further schooling instead of walking around with the obvious attire to have him look like the THUG that he obviously was. He was NOT doing anything good with his life, because if he was NONE of this would have EVER happened. Now watching these idiots rioting, throwing stuff through the store windows, looting/stealing anything & everything that they can carry, and setting fires to peoples businesss that they have worked so hard for. Mainly there for the people of that area to shop at. Why are those people that have those businesss being punished? They have NOTHING to do with this at all. These people out there whether black or white are the same type of people, that do not work for a living and they just want to stoke the anger and tell things that totally not correct. These type of people just look for a reason to do things like this. Then they have the absolute nerve to wonder why people look at them like the way that they do. They wonder why they are not treated with the same respect as everyone else. LOOK there is a BLACK MAN in the WHITE HOUSE that is the Most Powerful Man in the World. NOBODY gave him anything, he worked for what he did and worked very hard to get to where he is today. I am not saying this for any other reason except to point out, the fact that the US voted a BLACK MAN into the highest office of the land. ANY BLACK OR WHITE person can do the exact same thing in this country if they really want to. However they dont. They just want to be given to and not work for stuff that they have. Also I wish we could look into the past of Michael Brown, before his 18th birthday when he was a minor and I am sure that we could find out that he was not the angel that he was portrayed to be, just like the one in Florida. However Michael Browns parents didnt have any photos that shows him like a church altar-boy or we would have seen them by now. With all this devastation going on in Ferguson tonight, they should just go in with all the police power and national guard power and just shut it off and mow them down. They are breaking the law 100% and need to be stopped. After all this destruction THEN they are going to want US to rebuild and resupply all the business for their neighborhood. We should just go down and stop this with all the force that we have to use. I do not care if ANY OF THEM are hurt or killed in doing it either. These people are just losers and are not doing anything to help our society. All they are doing is showing the next generation of black males how to act. They are the ones that are promoting the racial problems between the blacks and the whites of our society. I also get so SICK of HEARING that the law does not work for the blacks. BULL SHIT, if they would STOP committing so much of the crime, they would not think it was that way. I have owned my own business for 34 years and many of my black customers do not like this behavior in their own people. You ought to hear just how many of them are scared of the black males of todays society. They are ashamed of that part of their own race that act like that. They have studied in school, done better for themselves and trying like hell to show their children a better way of life,but when things like this happen and it is all over television and the youth of today have to see this, it is a very hard thing for them. I have such empathy for the black parents today that are raising children in this society. They are trying to teach their children and give them and show them that they are just as equal to anybody else today, but then crap like this happens. It makes the struggle to keep their children on the right road just a little harder. Also I have one other thought to just throw out there. Does anyone wonder just how badly the Police Officer feels, that he took the live of a young 18 year old. I am sure that he did not shoot this young man deliberately, because he was angry or a racist like they just said on Fox News. I am sure that this officer will think about this every day for the rest of his life. I certainly would not want to be in his shoes. Now I go back to the beginning of this.......Is is just MAYBE POSSIBLE that the officer that shot Michael Brown is NOT GUILTY of doing what they are trying to saddle him with. Even with the President saying that many are sadden that this was the verdict...he is insinuating that Grand Jury came to the wrong conclusion. WHY could it NOT BE the RIGHT CONCLUSION? Would all this still be going on if the races were reversed? I think not. Just maybe, JUST MAYBE things really happened the way they are saying it really did. How sad, I just looked up at the TV and saw the Christmas Decorations on in the street where all this looting and fires are going on. What a very very sad statement of our society. I also wonder if these black males that are out there protesting and setting fires and breaking windows, why are they covering up their face? Why are they not showing who they are and be PROUD of the stance that they are taking? Why not show your face and be very proud if your actions. So again, just ask yourself, IS IT POSSIBLE, JUST MAYBE, THAT THE OFFICER DID WHAT HE WAS TRAINED TO DO AND THAT JUST MAYBE MICHAEL BROWN WAS NOT THE INNOCENT UNARMED 18 YEAR OLD BLACK MALE THAT THEY ARE MAKING HIM OUT TO BE. JUST MAYBE THINGS HAPPENED IN THE WAY THE GRAND JURY SAW IT, WITH ALL THE EVIDENCE AND WITNESSES THAT THEY LISTENED TO. ISNT IS JUST POSSIBLE THAT JUSTICE WAS DONE? HAPPY THANKSGIVING AND MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY HOLIDAYS LET THERE BE PEACE ON EARTH
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:52:17 +0000

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