Just woke up to a vision. My spiritual alarms are all up. I am not - TopicsExpress


Just woke up to a vision. My spiritual alarms are all up. I am not the type to want to talk right away. But if a FB post will help anyone, so be it. I saw a star falling, I cried to everyone saying, its a shooting star. Someone said make a wish, and I said say a prayer. But as the star fell lower, it got bigger and bigger. Then I heard the wish of the one that had wished... Kumbaya. World peace, Global prosperity, Unity and more. I said that was good, but I learnt that it was a wish. Then I hearkened to the words of my prayer....Jesus. And as I meditated on this, I heard a voice clearly say to me: The time has come for Me to be lifted higher. The time has come for my light to shine brighter In amazement I asked, why Lord? why the urgency now? Then a hand appeared to me and pointed at five golden cups. The first cup had the word Bible in it. There is rising a global onslaught on the publication of Christian literature. Even the Bible will be attacked literally. There will be a law that all Bible publications must be licensed and permitted by a select committee in a European country. Then the hand pointed to the second cup and as I took it in my hands to look in it, I saw what looked like ants crawl out of the cup. There were millions of them, and they almost covered my hand. I cried out to The Lord and these ants all dropped from off my hand. And the same voice said to me. They will crawl out of the woods now. One of the reason for the very cold winters we will be having is a Holyghost push back on the forces of hell emerging. I was told that 2013 and 2014 would be very cold. Again, it is going to snow in very strange places. By 2015 it will not be as cold anymore, and then these ants will crawl out of their hiding. Watch as Leadership changes hands in country after country From 2015 watch leadership change hands in countries of the world Watch the UN gain so much power Watch another world organisation rise in 2015 Watch out for a Revival in France because I have heard the cry of my people. Watch out for a global economic crises from the 3rd week of October to the last week of November. And even in April of 2015 I cannot describe the ants I saw and how they just got out into the public. And they just began to chew on anything in their way, and then stool just about anywhere and the whole place stank up very soon. Then as I threw that cup down, I was given the third cup and in it was like a smoke that began to rise out of that cup and went up to heaven. But as the smoke went up, a wind began to blow and to blow it away. And again that voice said to me: Let the people of the Most High God begin to worship me. He said that prayer must now be coupled with worship. He touched my lips and said sing. I thought he meant figuratively, but he said it again, SING, and as I began to sing and fall on my face in deep worship, the smoke seemed to gather back together from being scattered in the wind, and to now rise to the Heavens. Then he said, Go wait in the Temple for once the smoke reaches Him, He will come to the temple. Then that cup vanished from my hand and I walked closer to something like a table which had 2 cups on it. I looked into the two cups at the same time. In the cup to my left, there was what looked like a tempestuous sea, and then a volcano and then rains. The weather will be very strange in the next 14 months. And in the cup to my right, there was an army marching to the sound of singing. Then my mind went to the song that had been singing in my spirit when the smoke rose to heaven, and the voice said to me, an army is rising, and once he said that, there was like a jubilation in heaven. That woke me up.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 11:31:50 +0000

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