Justin LeMaster DiAnne Lemaster lol: You know youre from Arkansas - TopicsExpress


Justin LeMaster DiAnne Lemaster lol: You know youre from Arkansas if: 1. How bout them Hogs is a common phrase around your house. 2. Everyone you know has been on a Float Trip. 3. Vacation means driving to Hot Springs or maybe even Branson. 4. Youve seen all the a biggest bands ten years AFTER they were popular. 5. You measure distance in minutes rather than miles. For example, Well, Conways only 20 minutes away. 6. Up North to you means Missouri. 7. The phrase Im going to the Lake this weekend only means one thing. 8. You know several people who have hit a deer. 9. Your school classes were canceled because of cold. 10. Your school classes were canceled because of heat. 11. You instinctively ask someone youve just met, What High School did you go to? 12. Youve had to switch from heat to A/C in the same day. 13. You think ethanol makes your truck run a lot better. 14. You see people wear bib overalls at funerals. 15. You see a car running in the parking lot at the store with no one in it, no matter what time of the year. 16. You know in your heart that Arkansas can beat Texas in football. 17. You end your sentences with an unnecessary preposition. Example: Wheres my coat at? 18. All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, animal or grain. 19. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked. 20. You think of the major four food groups as beef, pork, catfish, and Sweet Tea. 21. You carry jumper cables in your car and know that everyone else should. 22. You went to skating parties as a kid. 23. You only own four spices: salt, pepper, ranch and ketchup. 24. You eat dinner at noon and supper at night. 25. The local paper covers national and international headlines in one column, but requires six pages for sports. 26. You think I-40 is spelled and pronounced ah fahty. 27. Youll pay for your kids way through college unless they want to go to UT 28. You think that deer season is a National Holiday. 29. You know that you cant get anywhere without going through Little Rock first. 30. You cant think of anything better than sitting on the porch in the middle of the summer during a thunderstorm. 31. You know what time to be home for curfew -- not because of the law, but because of the mosquitoes! 32. Youve said, Its not the heat, its the humidity. 33. You know all four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer and Football. 34. You know if another Arkansan is from the Ozarks, Northern, Central, or Southern part of AR as soon as they open their mouth. 35. You know that Bill Clinton, Ted Dansons wife, and John Grisham are all from Arkansas. 36. You failed World Geography in school because you thought Paris, London, Bismark & Nashville were cities in Arkansas (& they are)! 37. You think a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor. 38. You know what Wooooo Pig Sooie means.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 17:26:40 +0000

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