K, time for the obligatory long winded Future Forest - TopicsExpress


K, time for the obligatory long winded Future Forest post. Seriously, holy shit. HOLY. F*CKING. SHIT. That was definitely the hardest Ive ever worked lol. Despite any level of stress I may of had though, it was an investment that totally paid off more than I could have ever imagined.The reactions were getting from everyone post festival are overwhelming. I still literally have to stop every so often to just let it process. Im seriously tearing up as a write this. so friggin proud of everyone. A lot of you know how high me and Tims standards can be. They were SHATTERED. I knew we were upping our game this year, but once all the pieces finally came together (fairly last minute, in true maritime fashion, lol) it was stunning. I need to thank all the people who were there for us when we needed it, and did so with great pleasure, even if it wasnt the most fun of tasks. With so many things going on, reliability is key, and were literally taking names of those people who have stood out when we needed it most. Thanks muchly to anyone who shoved food/water/beer in my mouth as I ran past. You literally kept me alive, so I guess thats pretty important, lol I cant list all the people who if they werent there, things would of fallen apart. that would be a long list. Ill thank you in person every time I see you. Except Sarah McAdam. She was the third leg to me and tim that we desperately needed. Above all, thanks to all of you for investing your faith in the success of this festival. I now fully understand how special the maritimes are. I really dont think a festival this amazing could happen anywhere else in the world. What other festival can the worlds top artist come in, feel instantly relaxed, and sit and have a beer next to lobsters boiling on the camp fire? there are no words to describe the maritime pride involved in watching Elite Force stuff his face full of lobster and compare us to the Shambala Festival. Clearly, as a such a small, and relatively minimal festival, we have something that cant be found anywheres else; thats the people itself. No where else in the world can you find so many excessively; accepting, comfortable, friendly, entertaining and helpful people in such abundance. We are impressively good at creating so much from such limited resources. People here have such a unique understanding of the most important things that are beyond what money buys. Above all of my positive feelings about this festival, is an incredibly overwhelming (actually crying now) sense of pride to be from the maritimes. You should be all be overwhelmingly proud as well, because as much as we organize this festival to make it happen, YOU are what will continue to make future forest the best music festival in the world.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 19:08:32 +0000

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