KENNEL CLUB - NEWS RELEASE PETLOG AND KENNEL CLUB HIGHLIGHT BREEDERS’ RESPONSIBILITIES FOLLOWING NEW MICROCHIP REGULATIONS The Microchipping of Dogs Regulations 2014 were announced on Wednesday 28th October, and Petlog and the Kennel Club have highlighted the responsibilities of breeders and dog owners once microchipping becomes compulsory in England from 6 April 2016. The Kennel Club, the UK’s largest dog welfare organisation, has campaigned for compulsory microchipping as part of the Microchipping Alliance alongside Petlog, the UK’s largest lost and found database for microchipped pets. To clarify the regulations regarding breeders: a keeper is defined as a person who owns the mother of a litter of puppies regardless of where that person resides. For any dog that is not a puppy the keeper is defined as the person with whom the dog normally resides. The Microchipping of Dogs Regulations 2014 are as follows: For every keeper of a dog that is currently not microchipped they have until 6 April 2016 to microchip their dog and register with an approved microchip database From 6 April 2016 keepers must ensure puppies are microchipped and registered with an approved microchip database before 8 weeks old (prior to leaving the breeder) Any changes to a keeper’s details must be updated on an approved microchip database Where a dog is transferred to a new keeper – the new keeper must, unless the previous keeper had already done so, record their contact details on an approved microchip database No keeper may transfer a dog to a new keeper (this includes breeders) until it has been microchipped, unless a certificate from a veterinary surgeon has been issued regarding the dog’s health Full details need to be recorded on an approved database for the dog and the keeper. This includes the name and address of the keeper, and if the keeper is the breeder and has a local authority licence this will also need to be recorded Regarding implanting microchips, no person may implant a microchip unless they are a veterinary professional or if they have been on a training course approved by the Secretary of State Any person that has already received training regarding implanting microchips will be exempt from the above. If a person cannot show they have received any training (only practical experience) then they will have to acquire appropriate training Anyone who identifies an adverse reaction to a microchip or the failure of a microchip must report it to the Secretary of State The provision in the regulations also allows docked working dogs up to 12 weeks to be microchipped instead of 8 weeks, provided the tail docking requirements are met. However, the microchipping regulations that require a puppy to be microchipped and registered before transfer to a new keeper remain Anyone who does not have their dog microchipped after 6 April 2016 will have 21 days to have the dog microchipped, and failure to do so may result in a fine of up to £500. Under the new regulations it is also a requirement that the records must be kept up to date and failure to do so could lead to enforcement action resulting in a fine for non-compliance. Other offences that may result in a fine of up to £500 include implanting a microchip without relevant authorisation, and not reporting any adverse reactions to the Secretary of State. Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary said: “The Kennel Club has always been dedicated to reuniting dogs with their owners through Petlog and through our campaign as part of the Microchipping Alliance to make permanent identification compulsory. “The microchipping regulations will go a long way towards improving dog welfare by ensuring that dog owners are more aware of their responsibilities, and that microchipping as well as keeping contact details up to date ensures speedy reunification of a missing dog with its owner. In addition, it will add traceability of where each dog has come from, and in turn should assist with improving health and welfare issues such as puppy farming.” Celia Walsom from Petlog commented: “We welcome the announcement of the new microchipping regulations. The regulations highlight the importance of dog owners ensuring that they register their pet’s details to an approved database – not only because this is now a legal requirement but also because it is in the interest of the welfare of their dogs to do so. With over 12,000 lost and found telephone calls received by Petlog alone in one month, it is critical that contact details are kept up to date – it is heart breaking for all concerned when we cannot reunite lost pets with their owners. “The regulations include provisions for everything, including ensuring the quality of the microchip being to ISO standard, training requirements of implanters and responsibilities laid down for approved databases. We are very committed to ensuring that this benefits all dog owners and most importantly improves the welfare of the millions of dogs in this country.” To view the Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2014 in full please visit It is worth noting that the microchipping regulations do not affect the requirement for collars and tags as part of the Control of Dogs Order 1992. The Control of Dogs Order 1992 mandates that any dog in a public place must wear a collar with the owners name, address and postcode engraved or written on it, or engraved on a dog identity tag. ENDS 4th November 2014 [320.14]
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 12:16:51 +0000

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