KG 2014 how can I describe you. Hate to be devils advocate but I - TopicsExpress


KG 2014 how can I describe you. Hate to be devils advocate but I would say Low Energy. Not saying this is a bad thing just my feeling about it. It seems to be less lights in the woods walking back and to dancing at night and definitely less young (In their 20s) people by the fire. What happened Friday Night??? Usually I dance and Friday things explode into high energy but this KG Friday things seemed low energy to me. Saturday was much better and the addition of different types of drumming Boran and Native drums was a great addition and people all seemed higher energy. I know those drums were there before just fun for them to take the lead for songs instead of just Jimbas. I know I am screwing up drum names LOL Also vending it seemed less people were shopping and less frolics was happening. Did other vendors find thing?? I do want to send out some Special thanks of course as this was a very deep and healing fest for me. First to the beautiful blond woman from Toronto which I tranced with around the fire thank you. Sorry I did not get a chance to say bye. Could not find you after we talked on Monday. Hope to chat with you real soon. Add me or those that know her please pass on my message. To the first nation drummers. I was very honoured when handed the stick and was able to add my voice and heart beat to yours when playing the big drum. You have awakened something in me and helped me realize at the end of the dark there is a light. Thanks and Pagan Pete will see you soon. Funny that nickname still makes me feel like a pirate. Thanks to Dawna Shaw and Rob for making me feel at home and also for your support when I needed it. Life is not a faery tale sometimes and it was good to know that no matter what I have amazing friends. Love you two a whole bunch. To Dan Ducheneaux aka Raven for making it possible for me to go this year. I was really thinking I was not going this year until you offered me your van to drive up and a way to try and cover costs by vending for you. Even tho we have different ways of doing things I hope you had a chance to drum more and enjoy yourself instead of being in the stand all day. Hugssss Love You Brother. To all those that gave me hugssss this weekend including those that gave them to me when I had the meltdown Monday. Thanks a whole bunch.. PS Emotional Empath picking up all the sad fest is over waves in combination with my worries equals PO having a meltdown. Special thanks to Bella Bartelt for the 100s of OS Hugsss. Thanks for sharing with me this weekend. Always nice to see you and great to see you sparkle. For more info contact me. Sorry I dont know her name. For the mom being Myst Dianne Jeffrey trailer which always seemed to make too much food and kept feeding me. I want to be adopted by you LOL. Also to Greg Smoth partner for amazing food she brought over and Dragon making sure I was fed. I never starve at KG but this year I was being brought so much food I often had to share with others around me. Thanks to those that danced, tranced sang around the fire with me. Also those that made it possible like the fire keepers, Woodchucks Drummers, Musicians etc. Hope everybody as a great year and if I dont see you at Midgard in May hopefully hope to see you before and during KG. Or may at Brunches in Ottawa. etc. Love You ALL. OK Almost all because some people put the ick in Magick and nobody as to like everybody. Hugsss PPS I met many people from the same areas as other. May I suggest you find a cheap breakfast place with good food that does not mind 3 hours customers and start a brunch for your area. One example of this was Pembroke which I met tons of people that did not know others. Keep the Home Feeling going even in your town city etc. After all we are all family. PPPS Warning being a Pagan Organizer may cause you to have a target on your back LOL
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 02:38:41 +0000

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