KILL BUYERS AKA THE SLIME OF THE EARTH YOU NEED TO KNOW THEIR TRAITS! They look for quarter horses and draft horses because they have the most meat on them. Kill buyers are the death agents into whose hands most horses sent to auction fall. Despite the social media uproar, there are some horse owners out there who somehow believe that the commercial slaughter of horses is “humane” and therefore acceptable. This could be attributable to denial, ignorance and/or the need to be right. The kill buyers that haunt auction yards are mostly men, but occasionally couples or women. It is not unheard of for a kill buyer to show up at a herd dispersal sale, particularly if it’s a dispersal of fat or heavily fleshed horses. They pose as a broker for a rescue organization, a horse sanctuary, a family, a ranch or whatever would be the most palatable in those circumstances. For extra credibility, some show up with a kid in tow as if to show that they are good folk there to offer some horse(s) a lucky break. Hundreds of people fall for this every year, so dozens of people make their living do this. There are several “horse trainers” who have been exposed on social media that do this. (Like people who answer “free dog” ads, the kill buyers say whatever they need to say to lay hold of the animal. And, chances are a huge number of those free dogs go to labs or fights—hideous fates for any animal, particularly one that known human kindness.) Kill buyers are not beyond stealing horses to make their quota - To get a horse to slaughter KILL BUYERS will say or do anything no matter how inhuman or illegal including forging documents or even run defective equipment that is a danger to public safety - In short anything that involves a kill buyer will come to no good!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 10:10:48 +0000

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