KINGDOM PATHWAYS DAY THIRTY THREE: Scripture Reading: John - TopicsExpress


KINGDOM PATHWAYS DAY THIRTY THREE: Scripture Reading: John 16:1-33 Focus Verse: John 16:1 Staying on the Right Path Jesus spent much of the first years with His disciples sharing truths about getting on the right path. He spent most of His last days with them teaching them about the importance of staying on the right path. In our focus verse, we find Jesus telling His disciples that He is pouring so much teaching into their lives during His final days because He desires that they will “not be offended” (KJV) or “go astray” (NIV) due to the events that are about to occur. He speaks to them about some future events that will involve them when He tells them that they will be put out of the synagogues and that some people will think that they are doing God a favor when they oppose them even to the point of death! He then tells them about some things in His own immediate future – when He will be die and rise again to return to His Father in heaven. In the meantime, Jesus reminds them that He sent the Holy Spirit to walk their path with them and to be a divine Helper and Comforter to them. Jesus spent much of His earthly ministry “doing and teaching” (see Acts 1:1). Now, He is going to send His disciples out to do the same. But, He will not send them out without providing them a Helper. We would all do well to remember that we are to be “doers” of the Word, and the Holy Spirit is to help us in our doing! The work is not to be left to the Spirit. He is to help us to do what the Lord has commanded us to do. One of the ways that the Holy Spirit “helps” us is by His being a “guide” to us as we seek to walk our path according to God’s truth. Prayer Emphasis: •As you read the Bible, ask the Holy Spirit to be your guide. A guide is someone that helps us to focus our attention on the important things that we encounter along our tour. Who is better able to do that than the Third Person of the Trinity?
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 11:02:54 +0000

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