KWANDE EMANCIPATION MOVEMENT FOR THE REALIZATION OF KWANDE SENATORIAL DREAM 13TH SEPTEMBER, 2014. TO THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF BENUE NORTH-EAST SENATORIAL ZONE. DEAR ZONE A YOUTH (1)RE-BENUE NORTH-EAST SENATORIAL ELECTION 2015. (2)THE TIME HAS COME FOR KWANDE TO PRODUCE A SENATOR We are group of young people who have come together from various district that make up kwande for the purpose of soliciting and educating our people on the need to support a Kwande person for the position of senate in the next general election, come 2015.and we write concerning the above subject matter for your attention. We write this letter, in utter dismay at the gross disregard for the sharing formula process by the leaders of Zone A(Dr.Gabriel T.Suswam & Chief Barnabas Andyar Tor Gemade )who are presently the Governor of the state and senator respectively; and for which you cannot claim ignorance of their actions. It is shocking that after waiting patiently for our turn to send a kwande person to the National assembly in order to balance the political equation in respect to the sharing formula, some of our elite among whom are natives of Kwande whom we can only call them betrayers have not seen anything good to have a Kwande person as a senator despite the fact that it is our turn. It has become necessary to write this letter which aim is to notify you that a gross injustice is about to be done to the people of Kwande should there be a denial of the long awaited slot this time around. We are all aware that one of the fundamental ways of maintaining peace and tranquility is to treat everyone equal and once this is observed, there will be relatively peace and the only thing that can bring development to any existing society is peace. Permit us to stress that even the constitution of Nigeria has provided some ways through which the government of Nigeria will be run in order to bring co-operation from the people to the government as we can see in chapter 2 of the constitution on fundamental objective and directive principles of government. Having say so, we have not forgotten the fact that it is this sharing principle that has brought both Chief Gemade and G.T.S Suswam to power and for them to ignore the same principle that brought them to power and call for the abandonment of this peaceful co-existing wheel power and widely accepted way of having smooth democracy in Africa is an aberration, and should not be allowed to stand. We the youth of Kwande, versatile in several field of study, roaming on the street of Adikpo- London to Makurdi and Abuja down to Lagos, with our certificates without any hope of getting any Job as a result of not having people who can stand for our interest in government have come out to condemn in clear terms and made our position in respect of the mandate known here by every one that is so concern in the state. We have painstakingly watch with keen interest the strategist embarked upon by the said leaders who have little idea on what the youth in the Zone are facing in respect to job procurement at both the state and federal government. We want to state categorically here without fear and favour that we need vibrant and a grass root mobilizer who have the people at heart, and can draw governmental projects to the Zone. What we need now is change and this change will bring a God fearing Kwande person who can represent us at the National assembly, who can request and convey the people’s message to Mr. President. We need a senator who can embark on the need assessment of the people and bring to them what they need. It has been happening to others so why can’t it happen to us? if Senator Smart Adeyemi has demanded for a Federal university and gave reasons to the president to relocate the share of north central which was already given to Nasarawa State and the President decided to allocate another one to the People of Kogi state why can’t we have our own share? We have been lacking behind because at election time, we don’t assess the candidates hence they buy their mandate with little things that are given to you to sell your future. It is so shocking that some people are gearing up and boasting to use you to harass and chase electorate away. They are so desperate and have always preferred to see that you don’t match up with their feat. They don’t care to ask and find solution to your problem. TAKE NOTICE that they are not bothered; if other senators from other Zones have taken up all the shares that belong to you. You should note that one of the hallmarks of poor leadership is celebration of little things such as commissioning of bear parlour, barbing saloon, cattle farms in the name of promoting small scale industries and publishing of names on the pages of news papers in the name of scholarship. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that these set of politicians may at times dig boreholes in places that don’t need them and one can only know that they have done that when they publish it or grant an interview concerning it which in it reality may not even be in existence. You are to know that the little sum of 10,000 naira given to students in the name of scholarship is to seek for cheap popularity and we should be prepared to send those who can sponsor indigents students and not to support them with 10,000,naira We should also be prepared to send a God fearing person who will not sale what so ever slot that is meant for us. We mean someone who will care to know why if 11 slots are given to Benue state, to study at the Nigerian defence Academy, a particular zone and tribe will have 10 while one tribe will have one. You should know that they do sale your slots and choose to remain quiet even when you complain. You are all aware that recently the private Radio situated in Zone A known as AHI-WAVES owned by Dr. Terkula Suswam has announced that the people of Kwande and the Ter-Kwande have loaned their turn to Governor Suswam,we call on you to disregard the claim by the Suswam’s radio.Do know that we shall soon be calling on the Kwande Traditional council to clear the air with a sense of responsibility in respect to this claim. We referred the action, undemocratic and an overzealous attempt by some people from Kwande who converged with the Governor of the state in a recent visit to Kwande Traditional council to endorse the incumbent Governor Suswam as a huge joke and a leprosy man’s gift(Iyua I or-Imande) and call on you to be calm without embarking on political confrontation. In effect, you are also bound not to do anything that will assist or aid the frustration of those who embark on collecting huge sums of money from their benefactors with the promise of using you to win elective position where upon completion of their mission; they dump you like sticks used in killing snake. On a lighter mood, we believe that all the youth who are from Zone A, particularly Kwande will not take any step in depriving the people from exercising their franchise. We are sincerely calling on every youth of the zone to wade off political sentiment and come together for the realization of our dream because our elders who have endorsed either Chief Gemade or Governor Suswan for senate cannot jump the gun and do their own thing in their own way. That will be tantamount to undermining the integrity, sovereignty and popular will of the people. TAKE NOTICE that in realizing the above dream, you are to look at your brother or sister who is in APC,PDP and LP as a family of a polygamous man and never to provoke and insult anyone but you can visit house to house and educate your people to know that the salt, maggi, cattle’s a and T.shirts given to them is part of their money. Let our mothers,fathers,brothers,sisters,Young and old know that they have freedom to vote but the choices they make today will determine how their lives will be and what they will have in the years ahead as it has been said by Zig Ziggler. We defiantly feel that there shall be light at the end of the tunnel. We sincerely appeal to all the youth fighting this cause not to be engage in confrontational means as a result of party differences because that will bring chaos and disability of the social equilibrium if the opposing party reacts and it will bring division among us. Thank you. Yours faithfully Comrade B.B Akortsaha.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 20:43:41 +0000

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