Karl P. Koenigs 12 mins · Edited I do know about the Lieber - TopicsExpress


Karl P. Koenigs 12 mins · Edited I do know about the Lieber Code of 1863... Since it was God, however, who endowed us with certain unalienable Rights, who delivered THE SWORD of our first World superpower Colonial Government into our farmer, rabble and peasant American Militia hands at the miracle of Yorktown, and thus ORDAINED We The People as His rulers and higher powers OVER America and OVER our elected Republican and Democrat public SERVANTS, upon whom WE THE PEOPLE ordained and established our eighteen powers and spending delegated by our State ratification of The Constitution; it is wholly unnecessary to DISTRACT and DIVERT the most vital necessity to focus like a laser beam in restoring our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws by the PEACEFUL Resolve of State legislative measured, leading to the State nullification of ALL Federal spending, usurpation and unlawful Acts of Congress and/or the Executive branch that exceeds their eighteen limited powers and spending privileges. The Declaration of Independence, which is the FIRST LAW in existing U.S. CODE and The PREAMBLE of The Constitution clearly both state, unambiguously, that WE THE PEOPLE are the rulers and higher powers. And, there is NO POWER but that ORDAINED by God. To divert focus from the RULE OF OUR LAWS, to THEIR Color of law is wholly destructive to the Holy cause of Freedom. If We The People do not RESTORE the RULE OF OUR laws upon our elected Republican and Democrat public usurpers, I ASSURE YOU God himself will rise up His rulers and higher powers and restore the RULE of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws BY THE SWORD of His WRATH just as surely as he states in Romans 13:1-5.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 19:27:51 +0000

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