Kasey Cox shares how ProBio5 helped her son with - TopicsExpress


Kasey Cox shares how ProBio5 helped her son with Eczema............ My son was born July 6, 2012! He was a wonderful baby. He was so handsome in all his Thunder/OU gear and he hardly ever cried. When he reached three months old everything changed. He developed the ugliest rash. Ever. All his pictures from then on show him sporting that ugly eczema all over his body. He lost all his hair. He became allergic to everything and had to be placed on that nice $30+ formula. That was a slap in the face as a mom. Needless to say that nice high dollar formula didn’t help the eczema. “Oh give it time” says doctor after doctor. So we start adding creams and oils all with the nice added steroids in them. Sure, they helped but never cleared him all the way. We spent some bucks on special soaps and lotions…please note these dont smell and your babies are so supposed to smell good...like Baby Magic. And I will admit I cried many of tears not being able to rub some Baby Magic on my boy. Don’t Judge. Raylan Boyd (that’s my son) and if you watch Justified on FX, yes that is where his awesome name comes from. Anyway, Raylan Boyd wouldn’t sleep well. He would average four hours at a time. And most times would be spent with me sitting up in the chair holding him those four hours because he couldn’t sleep lying down, from all the itching and pain. Did you know that I went over a year without sleeping with my husband in the same bed? Crazy, huh? Seems like we were always going to doctors, allergists, dermatologists, whatever specialist came next. Epi-pens…I lost track how many times he had to use those. That sucks to carry around everywhere. The only thing good about Epi-pens besides the fact they save your kids life is the Ryan Gosling poster with him saying he carries the Epi-Pen over his heart. Hahaa! LoL! Back on track…the food allergies. I can’t even name everything on the list. Eggs are the biggest. Especially since my three year old loves eggs. It’s so hard to keep eggs out of the house, so yes; I’m a failure as a mother again and exposed my son to death. Anyway, the point of this story is I started my son on the ProBio5 in late January. After two weeks , you could hardly tell he had any trouble spots and at the four week mark you would never have known he had suffered. Ever. Nothing ever cleared him up and gave him 100% relief. Oh, and guess who sleeps 10-12 hours at night now…and in a bed? That would be my boy! He’s finally starting to grown again! YaY! His food and environmental allergies are Improving. Not completely on the food, but the progress he has made is a miracle itself! It might not seem like much to you, but he’s spent almost his entire life being happily miserable, and now feels great! His eyes tell you how much he feels better. Thank you Lord for having this plan all along and dropping Plexus in our laps when we were ready and thank you ProBio5 for helping my son! Oh, and my hubby and I are sharing the same bed again!!! And another huge milestone...Im going to my first Plexus meeting next week. Why my first? Besides the fact we have no family close to help, Ive never been able to leave my son with even his Godparents, with his issues, but now I can. God Bless Plexus!!!
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 13:41:44 +0000

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