Katy R. shares her #Testimony “On November 29, 2005, I was - TopicsExpress


Katy R. shares her #Testimony “On November 29, 2005, I was in the Intermediate Care Unit with a deep vein thrombosis. My doctors assumed that it was caused by either birth control or the long trips I made by car from Arizona to Oklahoma. Up until this point, I had been at a healthy weight even though I rarely exercised or ate right, but after leaving the hospital with my bag of prescriptions and a walker, I started a relatively short road to becoming overweight and miserable. My primary care physician treated my clot as one normally would with blood thinners, monitoring my PT/INR, and ultrasounds to see their progress. A full year went by before I was finally told that there was no change in its size. Now over this year, my left leg stayed purple and swollen to the point of being painful to walk or sit. I was eventually sent to a specialist who diagnosed me with May-Thurner Syndrome, something that isnt very well-known to most doctors. Basically, an artery in my pelvis sits directly on top of a vein and slowly breaks down the veins wall causing it to collapse. Surgery was performed to implant over 7 inches of stents in my pelvis to correct an entire section of vein that collapsed. This helped the swelling go down to a less painful level, but my leg was still swollen noticeably larger than the other. Over the next couple of years, I had my second child and worked different jobs that were primarily sedentary. It also didnt help that all of my coworkers were excellent cooks and liked to eat. I packed on the pounds and grew more depressed as time went on. I also was continuing a habit that I had picked up in high school of drinking at least one Dr. Pepper a day, even driving all the way into town for one which was a 20 mile round trip. After my third child was born, I was the heaviest I had ever been and tried every weight loss pill available at Walmart, even trying the shakes and things that would supposedly make me feel full and help me lose weight. I had zero success with any of them and threw away hundreds of dollars on products that made my heart race. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, but I had no motivation to exercise even though I had also spent a lot of money on exercise videos and resistance bands, the things you see on the infomercials. In early June of 2013, I saw a post on Facebook by my former boss, someone who I knew wouldnt blow smoke. I was still skeptical because of all of the things I had tried, but I knew she wouldnt be wasting her money or energy on something she didnt believe in, so I kept watching her posts. I ordered the Slim & Accelerator through her website and then ran into her at a local craft show where she gave me the low down on the products. She gave me a few days worth, so I could get started before my order showed up, so I started the very next day. The VERY FIRST DAY that I had my Slim and Accelerator, I had no Dr. Pepper craving at all! It didnt even sound good to me, and thats something that I would have NEVER imagined. Almost a month went by and the scale went down only a few pounds, so I was a little discouraged. I mean I wanted instant gratification. lol I decided to take a progress pic that day and compare with the one I took the day I started. Oh my word!! The difference was HUGE! After the first month, I measured my leg that was all swollen, and the swelling had gone down over an inch!! The next month I measured again, and it had gone down over two inches! I never thought my leg would look closer to normal. I am still in awe about that... I am now 16 months into my #Plexus journey, and I still dont crave Dr. Pepper. I have lost 36 pounds and over 28 inches! I sleep better; have more #energy; have less joint pain, even in my knee that has almost no cartilage left; have less mood swings; no depression; and just an overall good feeling. I have so much more confidence in myself, even though I still have a long way to go. Now I have hope! I have even completed two 5ks because I feel good enough to get up and exercise!! I take the Slim, #ProBio5, #BioCleanse, X Factor and sometimes the #Accelerator or #Boost. I am so thankful for being introduced to Plexus because I feel like I have my life back! I am truly blessed!” facebook/JMRsHealthierLivingwithPlexus #PlexusSlim #weightloss #loseweight #XFactor #health #wellness #fitness #Plexus4Life
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:00:00 +0000

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