Kenya will be a great nation if each and every citizen thinks not - TopicsExpress


Kenya will be a great nation if each and every citizen thinks not of what he will bequeath his/her children, but what he will handover to his/her country for current and future generations at his/her. The familiar rat race has always been about accumulating for self, family and what one will leave for his/her children. Something that has made the country a corruption wasteland and has given birth to a nation where-every man for himself and God for us all. I have taken time to reflect on what part i will paly for his country. In my thought pilgrimage, I have learnt that men and women who worked or continue to work to better the fortunes of humanity remain alive even when they die and never live in want. The same society they serve gives back to them. In big measure. Late Wangari Maathai bequeathed to us a green nation. She may be gone, but she is represented by every seedling that issues from her trees. Every bird that builds its nest on her trees and by every citizen who finds shelter, food and firewood from them. We may call Raila Odinga all sorts of names. He and others are the fathers of reform movements and the freedom we enjoy as a nation today. That freedom of thought, expression, assembly, speech, movement e.t.c will not only last during our lifetime. It is a national asset that the country will keep for generations. Mwai Kibaki gave us free education. He erected economic beacons on which the future of these country shall always stand and use as a reference point in future when laying other great foundations. Dr Griffin helped develop brains that man our ports, our banks, and enterprises. He remains amongst us. His dreams were bigger than self and his time. He knew he had a greater obligation to serve his country at his time and even for the sake of future generations. James Mwangi of Equity has the Wings to Fly program. Every years,10,000 scholarships go to brilliant kids. He gives them hope, sets the foundation on which the future of Kenya will rest. He is a great man. A legend. Uhuru Kenyatta is doing his part. William Ruto is doing his part. Many more Kenyans are doing their part.DJ Nakumatt, Churchill, Eric Omondi tickle the nation in distress and in happiness. That shoe shiner who shines your shoe every morning, the street sweeper you ignore sometimes, the cobblers and many more Kenyans are doing their part. Rather than complain 24/7 -sometimes sounding a perfect replay of the book of lamentations, let us do something small in our own way. And like Wangari Maathais humming bird, we can extinguish the fire of poverty ,illiteracy and disease. Your world, my world and their world can be made a better place for all. Only if we commit to doing things that will live long after we are gone. True story.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 09:30:20 +0000

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