Key things I have learnt about prayers. Theres no prayer that is - TopicsExpress


Key things I have learnt about prayers. Theres no prayer that is said that God does not hear. The way God answers is solely up to His discretion for He sees the end of a matter from the beginning and chooses for us the best ending. Prayer bridges the gap between Gods realm of the supernatural, it revives our faith and our faith is the bridge that links both worlds. Prayer is really for us, because God knows what we need even before we ask, but to be able to implement supernatural things in our life He needs us to get on His level and faith does that for us. Prayer works because God is in control. The basis of all miracles is Gods sovereignty. Why does He do one and not another? Because God is in control. We have to trust His wisdom and His goodness. Peace of mind prayer warrior is not that person who constantly worries God about the same thing as if He is deaf or has Alzheimer, rather they have a knowing that God has heard and His answer will work out for their good. If your faith has not entwined with Gods plan yet, change your prayer that God will work your faith. Know when to quit asking God to change the situation but rather change you to learn what He intends to teach you that you may move forward.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 11:41:23 +0000

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