Kids are precious and pure and they should be preserved and kept - TopicsExpress


Kids are precious and pure and they should be preserved and kept that way as much as possible. Growing up aint easy FOR THE PARENT , but in my experience , I find ...... A few things that will help 1. Keep them out of grown folks business 2. Dont talk about your personal relationship issues around your kids 3. A lil fear aint never hurt nobody . They need to know there are consequences to everything! 4. Minimize television, news, and dumb ass rap music... You wont be able to avoid it altogether but I tell my kids if youre going to sing it, you better know what youre singing about or SHUTUP 5. Give them freedom of speech and freedom of expression .... 6. Feed them with Knowledge 7. Invest in all their potentials (Ex: I figured about 5 years ago my son could draw... I bout an easel, start taking him to art classes at times,etc). Now he draws on everything. Hes good too .. 8. If you have an alter ego.... Wait til theyre asleep to bring it out! Freaks! Man Im a freak! 9. Hug, hug, hug!!!! Lots of hugging exchanges positive energy between parent and child 10. Say I love you several times a day! 11. Embrace their individuality . Ex: giving one child a compliment does not mean that the other child lacks that talent. It just means that they all need reassuring at different times. They are not all equal, although you should treat them that way... Example Mimi you did a great job on your homework Mikaili: what about me? I didnt? All kids do this , Im sure.... Explain that to say she did a great job is not to say you did not. She is not your competition, you are your competition! 12. Dont live your life through your child . Force sports or activities on them. Pay attention to what they show they are phenomenal at and invest! 13. Bring up your mistakes. Talk about them . Dont create unrealistic ideas that you are perfect. 14. Keep it real. Because you have to. But keep it real without releasing the complete truth. Dont lie! Just feed sparingly ... 15. Send theyre asses outside to play . Video games? Not today! TV burns brain cells 16. Let them mess up. They need to fail sometimes... Dont catch them everytime... 17. Show your youth with them. Play dodge ball, freeze tag, things you were taught, sing songs , do tons of random crazy shit, like( if we get caught at red lights at night time while driving. We have to get out of the car and dance in the street at the light) we call it the Rebs light special. Lol 18. Say I love you . You can never say it enough. Many people will come in their lives and proclaim they love them and will lie. If you show them what love really is early they wont seek it in redundant places. Love starts with you loving yourself enough. When they see that they will emulate it...
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 21:04:33 +0000

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