Kindly read this article, and frankly NANNY NIGERIA agree with - TopicsExpress


Kindly read this article, and frankly NANNY NIGERIA agree with Rosalind Prather, we can’t eat our cake and have it…………if you want a nanny that would stay and serve you well, there are several things we ought not engage in…….then we can have peace of mind……trust me finding a good nanny is tough, losing a good nanny is tougher…..cause change and adjusting isn’t what anyone really likes...... HOW TO LOSE YOUR NANNY (9 WAYS) by Rosalind Prather on Aug. 28, 2012 Most parents assume that the key to a happy and lasting relationship with a nanny is to find one that exhibits all the qualities that they have learned they need without thinking about what kind of family they are to work for. Certainly there are plenty of terrible nannies. Believe us–we know! But I would also like to challenge parents to be more introspective and to think about some of the ways in which they may be sabotaging the nanny’s performance. Warning—some of this might not be easy to hear. I am presenting an unsugar-coated perspective and frankly, some of it is harsh! The Most Common Complaints from Nannies • Tardiness. You wouldn’t embrace your nanny’s tardiness and your nanny doesn’t appreciate yours either. Live –out nannies also have places they need to be and showing up past your scheduled time is very inconsiderate. It also sets a poor precedent for your nanny. When you come home on time, you show that you respect your nanny’s time and that you value her personal obligations. But even when you do arrive punctually, delaying your nanny’s departure is just as discourteous. • Unorganized Chaos. Does this sound like your household? Maybe this is your own “normal” but remember, to an outsider, this can be a very uncomfortable situation. Households with little to no structure make it very difficult for even the best nanny to know what to do. Children with little to no structure are equally difficult to handle. • Unclear expectations. Most nannies will thrive in an environment where the expectations of them are made very clear so they always know where they stand. This is why we strongly encourage families to have a written and signed work agreement in place which lists, in detail, the duties the nanny should perform each day. • Unrealistic Expectations. This is a big one. If you have been through nanny after nanny and none of them are good enough, it might be time to reevaluate your standards. In some cases, parents are far too lenient and they tolerate unacceptable behavior (e.g. texting all day while the kids watch TV.) But in just as many cases, parents set a nearly impossible-to meet-standard, pushing away really quality candidates. It helps to know the current market. Exceptional nannies are truly hard to come by. Understanding what’s out there may help you appreciate your own imperfect nanny more. • Unfair or Untimely Pay. Considering how hard great nannies are to come by, trying to get the best “deal” is not always the best approach. I tell families this all the time—“Nannies shop around for families just like families shop around for nannies.” – and it’s true. Remember that many families (who you should view as competitors) offer a generous benefits packages for their nannies. Even throwing in a few extra perks here and there to show your appreciation goes a long way. Paying your nanny in a timely manner is just as important. • Hovering. How good are you at your job when someone is always looking over your shoulder? Many nannies refuse to accept positions in which one or more parent will be home with the nanny on a regular basis. It is an issue brought up over and over again to us. There are likely many reasons for this but nannies mainly avoid working alongside mom and dad because of past experiences with hovering parents. • Inconsistent Parenting. Good nannies will try to be an extension of your own parenting and when possible, implement your family’s preferred discipline strategies and parenting styles. But when you are inconsistent, your nanny may have a hard time following your lead. Plus, it’s just downright annoying. Consistency is everything when it comes to running a successful household and raising a well-adjusted child. A lack thereof is detrimental to all parties involved. • Grandma and Dust Bunnies. An uncomfortable work environment has the potential to drive even the best and most patient nannies away. Endless clutter, dirty bathrooms and foul-smelling kitchens may not bother you, but a nanny who is not accustomed to putting housekeeping on the back burner may get easily stressed out by having to work in your mess day in and day out. Also, when additional family members come for an extended stay, consider how your nanny may be affected by the change and plan accordingly. An overbearing grandmother has the power to totally change a family’s normal dynamics. And it may be more than your nanny signed up for. This seems insignificant but we have seen this happen more times than once. • Poor Communication. Are you a passive aggressive boss? Do you smile at your nanny when she enters the door and then talk poorly about her with your spouse later? Have you ever been unhappy with her performance but never shared your concerns? When parents come to us for advice regarding a “nanny gone wrong” our first question is usually, “When was the last time you sat down for a meeting?” Communication is the key to any relationship. The one you have with your nanny is no exception. You and your child care provider should have regular sit downs in which you discuss what is working well and what isn’t.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 13:46:07 +0000

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