Kingdom Nuggets 30 Being Salt and Light in this world. It may be - TopicsExpress


Kingdom Nuggets 30 Being Salt and Light in this world. It may be many years before the Lord brings us to the New Earth promised in the book of Revelation. Until He creates the New World, it is our job to be His Light in this world and be His Salt in this World. God is love. Until we understand or have an experience with God’s love, it is hard for us to be light to this world. God’s light, the light of Jesus is having love for all mankind. It is loving the desperate that beg money in the streets. It certainly isn’t turning your gaze and pretending that they are not begging. Being light is turning the other cheek when you have been offended. Being light is not only publically forgiving a person that would choose to be your enemy, but it including your enemy in your prayers at night. Being Light is essentially letting Christ through His Holy Spirit possess you and influence all your actions and decisions. To be light you have to be submitted to Christ and be in partnership with Him. This world is in darkness. Many of them pay no thought to life after death and if asked they most probably would say they believe in God and will go to heaven. They live for the next great movie, the next time they shop, and they live lives trying to be important. They want to have the coolest possessions and look great, and be someone of importance. They all want to live significant lives, and yet without their Creator in their life, they are ships without a rudder. Conversely when we are walking in Light, our importance comes from being a Kings Kid. We know we are loved without measure and loved without cause and that there is nothing we can do to stop Jesus loving us. It’s from this position of being loved, and knowing our purpose, that we can be a vessel of God’s love to all around. Because we possess Christ as our lover/King we possess everything and so we don’t need to look to collecting possessions and collecting important titles to give life some meaning. It is from this position of being loved and secure that we can be a light of direction in a world that lacks truth and meaning for life. As we are contented and fulfilled, people notice this and want to know why we are so happy and we can share the reason for our happiness. Salt does two things. It brings out the flavour of food and it is used as a preserver of food when there is no refrigeration. I know Jesus meant both purposes when he told us to be salt to the world. People in this world need to know there is more to life then the next movie and newest iphone. People need to see a people of God doing life different. People need to see your life is different. If you are without a job and in a crisis they need to see a peace that comes from God. When people are gossiping about their boss or co-worker they need to see that you don’t participate and refuse to do things like that. When people are wasting time at work on the Internet, they need to see that you don’t. Being salt is being consistently different to the decaying moral standards of the world. People are noticing. You may think it is not worth anything, and your stand for righteousness is not being noticed, but people are noticing. Dear Father Lord we ask that you share with us more from your Holy Spirit how to be light in this world. Lead us each day by your Holy Spirit to demonstrate Your love to this world in a way that it leads people home to you. Give us this week an opportunity to share our faith with someone. In Jesus name I ask. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 04:11:42 +0000

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