Kobach actually says in this article, in response to his wifes - TopicsExpress


Kobach actually says in this article, in response to his wifes concerns that he is being criticized by some blogger in his basement “It’s just a part of it,” he says. “People get emotional. They ignore facts. They start ignoring the absolute truth.” That is probably one of the most outrageous projections in the history of politics. The ABSOLUTE TRUTH is that rich Republicans are the people hiring these illegal immigrants, especially in the restaurant industry, and in meat-packing and factory farm agriculture and in the construction businesses. Just ask yourself Who hires all those illegal aliens? If Kobach and his fellow-Republican AG spent more time identifying and prosecuting all the Republican landowners, restaurant owners, packing plant operators and construction company owners who employ those illegal aliens he seems so desperate to deport, those workers wouldnt have a reason to cross the border in the first place. Fact is, those laws, the ones that prohibit employers from hiring illegal immigrants, are already on the books, they are actually quite stringent and would go a long way towards fixing this mess if they were enforced with the same rabid fervor that is leveled against the workers. Considering what a tiny number the employers represent, compared to the millions of workers they hire illegally, it is just a wonder there is so much time, money and effort spent chasing the millions when just a few thousand employers could be dealt with so much more easily and efficiently. Acknowledging the disparity between the cost to our system of chasing those millions dow and deporting them, versus the cost of enforcing employer laws that take away the incentive in the first place, is just a no-brainer. But Kobach and his fellow republicans are not likely to go after some of their biggest campaign contributors. While they give occasional lip service to enforcing or adding teeth to existing laws, those bills never get out of the same Republican-controlled committees that are so rabid against the immigrants themselves. Kobach never talks about it when hes making one of these Future President campaign appearances. The rare times he does he just pivots away from the issue because regarding it publicly only loses campaign contributions. So he spends his time trashing the workers because their employers are also his partys biggest benefactors. Kansas meat-packing plants are some of the worst offenders, yet has anyone EVER heard Kobach point any of his publicity-hungry fingers at his own fellow Republicans who own those plants? The next time you are offended by some Spanish-speaking person standing in line in the convenience store, instead of blaming them for being here, try blaming the Republican who hired them. Kobachs chasing the symptom, not the cause, of the immigration mess. He is either naive or deceptive, and considering his education and his history, it is unlikely he is naive. Any conscientious, SERIOUS conservative in Kansas who thinks Kobach is trying to solve the immigration issue needs to check out his history carefully. Kobach has been bent against the immigrants themselves since his first Nebraska forays into nativism. Yet nowhere on his resume is there evidence of ANY successful attempt to make the people who hire and pay these illegal immigrants account for their own acts. If not for these rich Republicans wanting cheap (and reliable) labor, none of this would be an issue in the first place. But instead of dealing with the root of the problem, Kobach prunes and preens away at tiny little branches. Kobachs too worried about the immigrant cart, as he blatantly ignores the corporate horse that pulls them here. And hes much more interested in running for President some day, or maybe first offering himself to the next Romney as a VP candidate, than he is in protecting Kansas from anything. Anyone who doubts that for a moment is naive, at best. It isnt some sort of absolute truth it is just simple truth, the kind Kobach fears the most. Signed; A nobody blogger in an unknown basement.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 18:01:00 +0000

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