L120Y | SHINGLES VIRUS | IMMUNE FUNCTION | STRESS Dr. G talks to a radio listener (Juliette) from California about a problem with shingles. Juliette says she started having intermittent pain on the left side of her chest and she thought that maybe she had pulled a muscle. The pain became so bad that she called her doctor and made and appointment. The doctor and nurse questioned Juliette and asked if she had all the different symptoms of a heart attack, which she didn’t have. Since they didn’t’ have a clue what was going on, they advised for Juliette to call them back if she experiences any more symptoms. Juliette came home and laid down for a while. When she woke up she was in excruciating pain and some numbness in her hand. She decided to call the doctor again and he suggested that she go to the emergency room. At the E.R., they gave Juliette an EKG, x-ray and blood tests to see if there were any blood clots. But, all the tests came our perfect and showed no problems whatsoever. After all of that, the E.R. doctor told her that she had pulled a muscle, gave her some muscle medication and ibuprofen, and then sent her on her way. When Juliette arrived at home she was pulling off those sticky pads from the EKG and noticed there were multiple red spots on her chest. The red spots kept getting worse, even to the point where two days later there were red spots all over the left side of her body from under her breasts all the way around her back. Juliette went back to the doctor and he diagnosed her with shingles. So, the doctor gave her hydrocodone and some anti-virus medication. However, the next day the shingles were spreading all over the left side of her breasts now. Dr. G asks Juliette if the pain that she has been experiencing is on the same side of her body where the skin eruption is? She says yes and especially around where all these blisters are. The shingles virus is only on the left side of her body, it hasn’t crossed over to the right side. Dr. G says if it crosses over to the right side of the body, then that is considered a medical emergency and you need to go to the emergency room immediately. That situation is extremely rare and only happens about 1 out of a million times. Dr. G says the medical doctors should have told Juliette this. He wanted to know if they informed her about this, that if the shingles virus crosses the midline of your body that you need to get to the E.R. immediately? Juliette said they did not tell her this. Instead they told her to take the pills they gave her and she would be fine in 2 to 3 days. However, several days later she feels worse. Dr. G says there are a couple of things we need to understand and highlight about this. First of all, Juliette was having strong and persistent symptoms. She went to the M.D.’s who did hundreds of dollars of diagnostic testing, and then gave her the WRONG diagnosis. They told her that she had pulled a muscle, which was a B.S. diagnosis and they were wrong. She spent all that money and they were WRONG. A couple of days later, the real illness started to raise its ugly head and all they could do to help her was hydrocortisone or hydrocodone (an anti-inflammatory and medication to handle the pain). None of these get to the root cause of this illness. They simply manage the symptoms thereof. While Juliette was under the care for the shingles, which finally was an accurate diagnosis, her symptoms were not getting better the way that they told her they would. Instead, they are getting worse. What this means when we look at this from the proper perspective is that the M.D.’s completely let her down two or three times. They weren’t able to diagnose it correctly and they ran up a huge bill on her. And what did she get out of all this? Nothing. We need not overlook the obvious. We go to the M.D.’s and they let us down. We go back to the M.D.’s and they let us down. We go back to the M.D.’s and they let us down. Etc., etc., etc. We continue to pay insurance premiums every month to gain access to this type of incompetence. Here’s the deal. The body has nutrient needs in order to maintain its integrity. It has a certain amount of nutrients that it needs every day, such as vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, etc., etc. in order to function properly. In addition, one thing that you can do to really help knock down the pain of the shingles virus is get some colloidal silver and spray it on the shingles every hour. Dr. G asks if the shingles pain stays in one spot, or moves up or down, and if it is irritated by cold or hot water. In this case, the pain stays in one spot and is irritated by hot water. There is a homeopathic medicine that Dr. G recommends for Juliette to get, called Spigelia. This can often times help in addition to spraying the colloidal silver. You can purchase this at just about any health food store. The reason that people get shingles in the first place is due to stress and a weak immune system. It doesn’t matter what type of stress either. It can be emotional stress or physical stress. In order to support and promote the body’s immune system and skin in the face of a diagnosis of the shingles virus, Dr. G recommends getting on board with our holistic medical nutrition program because it provides the body with ALL the essential nutrients that is needs in order to maintain its health. Find the truth about health care. You dont know what you dont know. Our primary mission is to educate you on Good Healthy Habits. Check out our site at L20Y (Living 120 Years Healthy) for free information on how to recover your health from just about any chronic health condition. L120Y/8110-2. Healing is easy!! You can also checkout other great articles at our blog: l120y/?p=1472 Dr. G show from 06-11-14(01).
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:04:21 +0000

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