LAUNCHING OF SYURGA SHUHADA (MARTYRS’ PARADISE) MOVIE A FUNDRAISING PROGRAM Hope and pray that you are in the best of health and Iman, In-sha-Allah! May Allah swt bless you and your family with good health, wealth, peace, prosperity and happiness and continuous guidance live in adherence of Quran WA Sunnah - Aameen! 2) We are delighted to announce that our NGO will be hosting a fundraising event on dedicated to continuing our commitment to helping those in need in Gaza and throughout Palestine. The Syurga Shuhada (Martyrs’ Paradise) Palestine Film presents an honest and independent view of Palestine and its diaspora’s society, culture, and politics through the art of film. Film has been a voice of the Palestinian struggle for some time now. It’s something we believe that should be fully supported by the community, because it’s a powerful voice of now, and WILL be a powerful voice of tomorrow. The launching of the movie is to help raise funds for the films production and release of the film which is CRITICAL for films success. 3) The Syurga Shuhada movie is a love story in which the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was part of the background. It is a tragic love story of an intellectual couple between a Malaysian and a Palestinian out of an International Marriage. A young Palestinian falls in love with a Malaysian girl when they were studying at the same university in Cairo, sharing his innocent dreams, while struggling to liberate his homeland. This movie is introducing the world of Palestinian problems under Israel occupation, of Palestine tragedy. It is a political thriller interwoven with a story of trust and betrayal as two lovers are torn apart by Israels secret police and Palestinian freedom fighters. 4) The program aims to raise public awareness about the occupation of Palestine by Israel, the Zionist Israeli attacks and its impact on the people of Palestine, the struggle of the Palestinian people against the injustice of Israeli apartheid and to expose the cruelty and oppression of Israel against the Palestinian people. The NGO in charge of making the film is committed to bringing the truth to light and commemorating the lives and deaths of the victims of the Palestinian Genocide. Remembering and acknowledging the truth about genocide is the only way to prevent similar offenses from occurring in the future, which is one reason why it is so important that people learn the history behind this terrible event. The objective is to spread the truth of Islam and The True Spirit of Jihad. In Islam, taking care of ones husband has an important position. It has been equated to the role of Jihad (holy war in the path of Allah). Imam Ali (AS) stated: The Jihad of a woman is to take care of her husband well. Considering that Jihad is the struggle and holy war in the path of Allah including the struggle for advancement and honour of Islam, defending the Islamic territories and execution of social justice, it is one of the highest acts of worship. The value of fulfilling the duties of a proper spouse is also reflected upon when considering Jihad. 5) Malaysia will continue to support a just and lasting peace in the region based on a two-state vision and to remain in solidarity with the brotherly Palestinian people in their struggle to have an independent and sovereign state. Malaysian Muslims are peace-loving people who practice the fundamentals of Islam - fundamentals that emphasize peace, tolerance and harmony. Malaysia with its multi-racial and multi-religious population does not, and cannot, tolerate any form of extremism, religious or otherwise. 6) On behalf of the organizers, we kindly invite you to benefit from this initiative and take part in the event and program launching through various forms of sponsorship that would increase the visibility and recognition of your countries or organisations. The Syurga Shuhada (Martyrs’ Paradise) movie launching will be held at the Istana Hotel Kuala Lumpur on 15th January 2015. We shall be honoured by your presence at the event that definitely will have added value to the day and your support and commitment to our cause is greatly appreciated. Indeed, your time and effort that you contribute shall make our event a success. 7) Our first target audience is the Malaysians, Palestinians, Arabs and all foreigners in Malaysia and we hope they will be engaged with it. What they will be witnessing from the movie is the relentless destruction of the civilian population as a strategic objective — the brutal slaughter genocide of Palestinians. This is part of our continues efforts to raise awareness and funds-raising for the Palestinian people to clarify the truth about the Palestinian cause to the world public opinion in general, and specially to enhance and strengthen the brotherly and sisterly relations between the peoples of Palestine and Malaysia, hoping that all efforts of peace seekers are combined to lift the oppression imposed on the Palestinian people, and to enable it to restore its established national rights and to establish just peace on the land of peace- Palestine. 8) The donations and the proceeds from ticket sales of this movie will support the Palestinian Funds to empowering Palestinian communities caught in conflict so they can sustain their livelihoods and culture. We will deliver the donations directly to the Palestine Ambassador in Malaysia, Embassy of the State of Palestine. We hope you consider choosing us as a cause worth fundraising for. We promise that your donation and contribution will go directly to opportunities and services for our cause and will be used in the most effective means possible. 7) We believe that this program will get a positive response and the effect from our members and the most important thing is that the participants that are representatives from various NGOs will gain something beneficial from this program. We really hope that we can contribute something for the Palestinian people and the entire Ummah and I pray that Allah Taala grant us the Tawfiq to make the most of all that Allah has blessed us with, and that Allah accepts all our efforts Insha’Allah. In a nutshell, we hope that our program will get your approval for the sake of our Ummah. Hopefully, this program will get the acceptance from Allah subhana WA ta’ala the most Merciful. 8) If there are any questions, please contact me online phone number 017-3081747.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 08:19:44 +0000

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