LEADERS ARE BORN NOT CREATED: By Edmund Zar-Zar Bargblor The legendary United States’ leader, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, was correct when he wrote: “It is time for a new generation of leadership, to cope with new problems and new opportunities.” His words still ring true today, in contemporary time. The people of Grand Gedeh County have and continue to go through difficulties. Their hopes have been dashed so many times, they have yet to have leaders that will stand up and address their concerns and aspirations. Now, they are searching for that leadership, a leadership that will have the capacity to lead and unite them in addressing their socio-economic goals. They have suffered so much, returning from refugee camps in neighboring African countries and now they are at home, hoping to once again find that peace of mind that they cherished so much during the days of yesteryears. They are embracing the various candidates, but with cautions and with much anticipation…. But within the realm of their minds, they are wondering if they are going to be fooled and be let down once again? They have listened to the sweet talks of their former leaders, but yet, they have no roads, no bridges to connect their towns and villages’, no good schools for their children, no clinics, no electricity, no running water and above all, their road conditions have been returned to ‘Stone Age Realities. While other counties are moving rapidly on the economic scene, the people of Grand Gedeh County are first from the rear in the areas of health, education and economic development. The term “leader” is used generously these days to signify someone in a leadership role, but there is much more to being a true leader than achieving a leadership role. Every able individual has an opportunity to be a leader, whether he or she is working with clients, representing victims of crimes, providing pro bono legal services, or volunteering for community and charitable organizations. There are different views on the attributes of a true leader, but Edward Pappas, an American writer, has identified top ten. (1) A true leader understands and listens to people. (2) A true leader enlightens people. (3) A true leader guides, but does not dictate to, people. (4) A true leader enables and empowers people. (5) A true leader motivates people. (6) A true leader inspires people. (7) A true leader credits people. (8). A true leader helps people. (9). A true leader leads people by example. (10). A true leader serves his people. There is more to the reception Hon. Glay received when he visited Grand Gedeh County, endeavoring to explore the possibility of becoming the next Senior Senator of Grand Gedeh County. From Toe Blee , to the various towns along the road to Zwedru City, he met young and old, and listened to their concerns and their hopes for a better Grand Gedeh County. They saw in him a bacon of hope for a better tomorrow, simply because, he Hon. Glay has a legacy of reaching out to those in need. The evidence of his commitment to improve the lives of Grand Gedeans , especially young Grand Gedeans, are all around us. This is what we called ‘the empowerment of others”, helping people to bring out the best in themselves, instead of giving them handouts. Interestingly, Hon. Glay had the opportunity to settle disputes while he was travelling to Zwedru City. The elders saw something in him that made them to have confidence. They have realized that Hon. Glay is a man of impeccable character. In his book, Toward a Meaning ful Life, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson wrote: “A true leader should be judged not by what he has, but by what he has not— ego, arrogance and self ¬interest. A true leader sees his work as a selfless service toward a higher purpose . . .. When it comes time to take credit, he makes him¬ self-invisible; but he is the first to answer at the time of need, and he will never shrink away in fear . . .. A true leader wants nothing more than to give people pride, to make people stand on their own, as leaders in their own right. In¬ stead of trying to blind us with his or her brilliance, a true leader reflects our own light back to us, so that we may see our¬ selves anew.” Hon. William K. Glay, Sr., is the man that the People of Grand Gedeh County need. Yes indeed, leaders are born not created!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 06:20:58 +0000

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