LET NOTHING SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD. We read in Romans 8 - TopicsExpress


LET NOTHING SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD. We read in Romans 8 about God’s unyielding love: “37 Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded beyond doubt (am sure) that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities, nor things impending and threatening nor things to come, nor powers, 39 Nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Indeed, when we remain in the Lord, then nothing can come between this beautiful love relationship that exists between God and His children. However, we also need to read between the lines. We need to take note that “obstacles” and “threats” such as divine beings – specifically demonic principalities (Ephesians 6) - along with others “powers” and “threatening situations” and everything else in creation do exist and can (and many times do) works towards separating us from the love of the Lord. There are many dangers out there in this world and in the supernatural that can lead us away from the Lord IF WE ALLOW IT. We at times think the devil is sitting back in some cigar lounge, smoking his peace pipe, but in reality he is doing everything in his power to influence our lives so that damage, sometimes to afflict deep scars, is done to this love relationship with God. We have to understand, God is constant and unmoving – His love does not yield, but we as mere humans can be influenced, we can be swayed, we can be moved and we can be an inconstant partner in the relationship. This means that things can come upon our path to discourage us, to disappoint us, to make us angry, and to make us bitter. So often, this can lead us to question God, or even rebel against Him, and it can lead us down a path of unforgiveness and resentment and hate. How often have not felt that God does not make sense, and that prayers are not being answered? While God’s position in this relationship is solid and unwavering, the devil knows life is harsh and hard, and things can happen to us to make us doubt God or cause us to doubt His love or even His existence. How often do we not feel that things do not go our way, despite our prayer and fasting, and now we wonder where God is or if He even cares? This is the devil working, and always the problem is not with God but with us, for so often it is because we are not in His will. To cause us to doubt God or move away from Him is what the devil does! He deceives, he cheats, he lies and he destroys, all for the aim and purpose to draw us away from God and God’s love. The devil wants us to rebel against God, and he wants us to doubt God and to eventually turn away from the Lord, for then the love relationship becomes brittle [in our eyes]. So when it comes to God’s side of the bargain, nothing can move us out of the position of love, but when it comes to us, so often we can move out of the position because we listen to the devil and so walk down a path of disobedience, rebellion and sin. Romans 8 speaks also about the part that we have to play in this relationship, because the reality is that the devil is real, and he is constantly busy trying to lure us away from God. The reality is that this world is brutal and unforgiving, and we can allow our circumstances and situations to drag us down and afflict our spiritual condition. The devil after all got Adam and Eve to “move out of their position” in terms of the love relationship by deceiving them. They fell from grace. The devil tried it with Jesus in the wilderness and he tries it every day with all people, including believers. We must be very careful in our walk every day, and we must guard our heart, we must stay the course, we must remain focussed on God, we must remain in His will, we must pay attention to Him and listen, and we must obey Him, otherwise we run the risk of going astray down the devil’s path of thorns. Indeed, nothing can separate us from the love of God, ONLY OURSELVES. We remain our greatest enemy, so continue the good fight of faith, keep your mind on the Lord, seek Him above all, and leave all discouragement and disappointments at the foot of the cross. The Lord is faithful and true, so trust and have faith. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 09:53:32 +0000

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