LETS NOT FORGET THIS IS FIRST AND FOREMOST YET ANOTHER MASS SHOOTING WITH A SEMI HANDGUN! HANDGUN CONTROL MUST HAPPEN! The manufacture, sale and posession of handguns worldwide needs to be criminalized by treaty and national legislation! I fish in Sandy Hook and love Newtown and still cant get the images of 20 dead and bloody first graders and 6 wonderful dedicated, heroic and slaughtered educators out of my head. Ill never forget the day Gabby Gifford was shot and all those folks died in Tucson. Ill cant forget the images and music that came from every FM radio station in Boston when John Lennon was assassinated by handgun. I cant forget two ladies taking shots at Gerald Ford with handguns. I dont forget the scared look on Reagans face as secret service crammed the severely wounded president into the limo when he was shot with a handgun. I so wanted RFK to win the presidency and he had just won the California primary, but the images of his bloody head after being killed with a handgun are etched in my brain instead. I remember George Wallace and ironically Rev. Martin Luther King also being shot by handgun, Dr. King fatally, of course and Wallace paralyzed for life. All these calamities involve handguns. Handguns are not useful for hunting. They can only shoot people, because people can be in close enough range to slaughter other humans with these murderous devices designed to be concealable. THE OUTLAWING OF HANDGUNS IS LONG OVERDUE! Peace, pleeeze...
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 00:28:39 +0000

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