LIBERALS ARE OUT OF CONTROL! THEY HATE THE BIBLE AND WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! A woman who described herself as a teacher of the U.S. Constitution has gone ballistic over a ministry effort at a gasoline station in Florida to drum up support for its campaign to teach the ethics, morality and responsibility of the Bible in public schools. It happened with several folks who work with the You Can Run But You Cannot Hide ministry, which is a nonprofit run by rock star Bradlee Dean to reach out to America’s next generation “through principles of morality, true freedom, and personal responsibility.” The organization explains its mission is to “equip our next generation with the Christian values that made America great through a unique avenue of music and educational event forums in colleges, schools, churches, festivals, and arenas.” The goal is to present that message in schools. Jake MacAulay, a spokesman for the ministry, told WND it happened at a station in Davie, Fla., just a few days ago. The woman verbally and physically attacked ministry workers Elizabeth Ilse and Chase Schomberg. “Ilse was standing behind one of her ministry’s tables while distributing Christian literature to those visiting the gas station. She simply said, ‘Hello,’ to the woman, but after approaching and reading the sign on the ministry’s table that said, ‘Support Christianity in Public Schools, The Constitution, and Honoring Soldiers,’ the woman viciously attacked the cause by screaming ‘shame on you for wanting Christianity in schools,’ calling Miss Ilse a ‘bigot,’ and [she] stated that ‘Christians are the problem.’” The video reveals the rest: how the woman said, “You can put me on YouTube because I am absolutely for our Constitution.” That, she claimed, includes separation of church and state. However, when asked where that was referenced, she changed her mind about the video, apparently trying to grab the recorder, or slap at it. She threatens to call police, and then does, as she goes into the store. Coming out, she has a new verse: telling the ministry workers to get away from her car, even though there is another vehicle between them and her. “Get away from my car,” she yells. “I’ll tell police you are not just harassing, but are assaulting me.” Then she blasts the cameraman with her bag. She speeds off, but returns a short time later to talk with police. She doesn’t approach the ministry table again, but the ministry workers do report that police ask them if they wanted to press charges against her. They hadn’t decided immediately. The rampage, in context: It’s just one of a number of attacks in recent months on Dean’s ministry. WND reported when a high school principal in Florida cut off Dean’s First Amendment rights mid-sentence. Dean later returned to the school to finish delivering his message. Principal William Latson of Spanish River Community High School in Boca Raton, Fla., “acted arbitrarily” and “without notice” in ordering Dean out of the school building in the middle of his presentation in mid-February, according to reports. Dean, his band Junkyard Prophet and the Sons of Liberty Radio were invited to the school by the school’s Spanish club. Dean was to speak to the group, while Sons of Liberty Radio planned to broadcast the event. After being thrown out of the school, Dean requested that the nonprofit legal advocacy group Liberty Counsel step in to remind the school administration of the constitutional rights of the students and the speakers. A letter to school officials describing their actions as “viewpoint discrimination” may have prompted school officials to rethink their position and allow the program to come back to the school. WND also previously reported controversy over Dean’s appearance at a public school in Iowa. Dean and his band were accused of “gay bashing” in an appearance at a Dunkerton, Iowa, school and warned by the fire chief that the town’s roads would be shut down to keep the band from returning. But after a letter from Liberty Council, Dean returned to Dunkerton and spoke at the city’s library during the Dunkerton Days festival. “We were given a victory by God’s providential hand and the example was given to this generation, and anyone else, how they can receive the same victory for truth,” Dean told WND. “As I travel this awesome God-given nation, I come up with the same conclusion every event I am part of,” Dean said. “The majority of Americans share the conservative Judeo-Christian values I fight for. We can win this culture war when we fight together. It is leadership we are lacking in our cause, someone willing to risk reputation to set the precedent that our silent majority is waiting to join.” WND also has reported on Dean’s dispute with Rachel Maddow and MSNBC. Maddow was served with a lawsuit alleging defamation for her references to Dean’s group. The case is on appeal.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 04:09:47 +0000

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