LIES, THE FOUNDERS OF RELIGIONS TOLD TO MANKIND: If by some miraculous means the writers of Quran, Torah, Talmud, Bible, Gita, Ramayan, and Vedas, book of Mormon, and Grunth sahib, could be brought back to life and presented with scientific evidence on big bang, Higg’s particle, and the origins of human species, they would be shocked and have a heart attack to learn these scientific facts, especially the one that explains human evolution. It will be a slap in their faces presenting them with scientific evidence to prove that human species separated from Chimpanzees and Bonobos in Ethiopia 6 million years ago. In the process of evolution many different human species originated and parished in Ethiopia and Somalia. Only one species survived to this day. That species is Homo Sapiens, the modern man. The Homo Sapiens, which is basically us, evolved in Ethiopia 250,000 years ago; some of our ancestors moved out of africa in search of hunting grounds and settled in different regions around the globe 70,000 years ago. The writers of these religious ( fictitious ) books would dare not speak a word and would rather prefer to die again right away than to face shame and embarrassement for telling lies to the world. They deluded the entire world for 1000s of years by writing lies and tall tales in their fictitious books about the origins of the universe, human species, and many other subjects, and claiming their word divine. Just because our parents told us that monkeys and the white horse flew into sky does not mean they did. Please watch on youtube the BBC documentary titled, the incrdebile human journey, and journey of man to get more information on the subject. think critically, zulfiqar tareen, a friend of all, enemy of none. please check out how religion destroyed my aunts life in my facebook profile
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 22:46:53 +0000

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