LOVE ME – The Final Chapter By Dave Mast Little by little at - TopicsExpress


LOVE ME – The Final Chapter By Dave Mast Little by little at first, then rather abruptly, Becky Mast slowly came out of her coma, and despite suffering setbacks on several occasions, emerged from her dance with death unscathed, except for a pacemaker now beating inside of her. Perhaps it will serve as a reminder of God’s unfailing love. Maybe it will create opportunities to serve Him as a starting point to speak to others. For whatever comes, the Masts will unabashedly pronounce the faith and glory of God in all that they do. In Jimmy’s eyes, it was the grace of God, and the undying commitment of prayer warriors around the globe, that brought his wife back. “There were prayer warriors all over the world,” said Jimmy. “We were dumfounded by the support and love of so many. It was not just my faith, but the faith of God’s people.” In the end, the Cleveland Clinic staff was transformed, blown away by the power of the miracle they had witnessed. Becky said that comes from the situation being so far above what we as humans can comprehend. “There’s no reasoning behind it from a medical standpoint,” said Becky. “It is so far over what we are taught to think and believe. Medically I should not be here today, but here I am, better than ever. “It’s like nothing ever happened to me at all physically or mentally. I just took a journey to Heaven and back.” Fifteen days after Becky Mast’s heart had stopped, she walked, hand-in-hand with her husband, out of the doors of the Cleveland Clinic, no worse for wear. All of the diagnoses, all of the doubts, all of the fears, a distant memory. Not that Becky was supposed to have any kind of memory at all, according to doctors. But this isn’t a story that is complete with doctors’ prognostications. No, the medical personnel did a fantastic job with Becky. They were extraordinary. However, sometimes people simply have to put what we know to be true aside, and live by what we believe to be true. That is what Jimmy Mast did. That is what a large community of believers did. It is about giving it all up, and asking for the world. “I prayed to God,” said Jimmy. “I said if you send her home in a casket, I’ll bury her the best way I know how. If you send her home in a wheelchair, I’ll take care of her the best way I know how. But if you allow her to walk out with me, I’ll never shut up about it. And I am not going to. Whatever it takes, I am going to proclaim God’s name, because I, we, are all accountable.” The story of life and death, of belief and anguish, fears and joys, and numerous other emotions has left the Masts in a new place, a sensational place. Having touched the very precipice of Heaven, they are no longer content to simply live their faith only in their own lives, but instead want to share of this wellspring of love and grace and the accompanying elation with as many people as possible. On May 14, Becky wrote on the family’s Facebook page, touching on how this event has affected not only their lives, but what they hope will be countless lives both now and in the future. Becky’s statement goes: “As the days are going by, the realization sinks in more and more, God is good! Jimmy and I are now being asked to share our miracle experience at various places and we want to be faithful in doing that. We believe that God displayed His power in my life, by healing me completely! Tomorrow we have the privilege to share at Hiland High School. Please pray that we can glorify God in all we say and do. We love each and every one of you! We have found out what true prayer warriors and friends we really have. God bless you!” The Biblical connection of this story is undeniable, the cast of characters and events a smorgasbord of God’s written word. Doubting Thomas, Job wrestling with God, Abraham’s willingness to let go of his son Isaac if that is what God wanted, building relationships, faith of a mustard seed, miracles, anointing, Lazarus and how faith simply doesn’t fit the mold that man has created only begin to touch the fascinating story that has unfolded. The only true way to feel the passion and grace that flows from this incredible ongoing saga is to talk to the Masts. There you will find exactly what it means to experience God’s vast greatness at its ultimate. Love Me. Simple words, possibly as elementary as any in the English language. Yet perhaps the most powerful words of all.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 12:41:13 +0000

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