LOVE THIS TRUTH THANK YOU FATHER GOD AMEN ! All our choices in - TopicsExpress


LOVE THIS TRUTH THANK YOU FATHER GOD AMEN ! All our choices in the outer world should serve to extend, express and demonstrate the reality of what we are in the inner world. When we choose a job or any activity, we don’t choose on the basis of its value in the outer world, we choose that which will serve as an expression of the inner man. That’s where peace is. That’s where joy is. That’s where righteousness is. That’s where the power of God resides. That’s where the only fulfillment is. Because that is where the Kingdom is, that’s where life is, that’s where reality is, that’s where the true riches are, that’s where heaven is! So many people work on their jobs just to make money, to pay bills and put food on the table. They don’t really like the job, and are miserable. That is what the outer world calls “making a living”. But making a living is more than making money, for all the men in that outer world are dying, and what they are actually doing is MAKING A DEATH! Their emphasis is on laying up store for old age, making out the will, and seeing that the funeral is paid for. That is not life! The Lord of the Kingdom has taught us the truth of the Kingdom in this sublime word of wisdom: “A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth” (Lk. 12:15). To make a living means, first and foremost, to LIVE! It’s making what you are live! It denotes quality of life, and the only life of quality is the inward man — Christ. You will know true joy, peace and power when your inward man lives through your outward man, your inner world is expressed and revealed through your outer world. Matters not what you do outwardly, where you live, what your vocation is, what your responsibilities are — when your inward life is dominant all outer things are affected, transformed, swallowed up. As sons of God we are not victims of either money, things, or circumstances. These are not able to take away our peace. They are unable to rob us of our joy. They cannot take our life. The Christ within is our reality, our stability, our substance, our all. And that is what we are seeking. We are seeking incorruptible and immortal realities and powers. We are seeking the Kingdom of God. And that is why a rich man can hardly enter into the Kingdom! While I have written of the perilous danger to those who pursue the wealth of this world, there is an abomination more dreadful than this right within the ministry of that which professes to be the Church. There is no shortage of men and women seeking gold and glory in the name of the Lord. The land is overflowing with them, those seeking their own gain and each staking his own claim. Within the past decade or so, two of the most famous international television pulpiteers have been exposed and their vast financial holdings have been publicized. They had millions of dollars invested in their personal homes and property while they begged and pled for money from the widows and the poor. They lived sumptuously while multitudes of those who supported their grandiose programs were living as paupers. And things have not changed one whit. Where are those who are true ministers of God and blessers of creation rather than those who gather money? Where are those who are building God’s Kingdom rather than their own? Where are those who truly feed the sheep? Where are those who are not lifted up with pride? Where are those who are not puffed up with their own importance? Where are those who do not exalt themselves? Where is the preacher who doesn’t seek to ingratiate himself to the one with the expensive clothes and the luxury automobile? Where is the weeping before the altar? Where are those who refrain from using the world’s methods to conduct God’s business? Where are those who do not charge for the gospel, even if it is only a price on their tapes or books? Where are those who do not have a ministry for sale? Where are those who have not taken unto themselves the gold and the glory? Where are those who are not displaying flesh in their man-made schemes and promotions? Where are those of a broken and contrite spirit? Where are those with the meekness and purity of the Lamb? Where are those who have not brought the spirit of the world into their midst? Where are those who do not put their picture on every page of their magazine and their name on everything they do? Where is the beauty and glory of the message of the Kingdom of God without the Hollywood extravaganza and showmanship? Where is the worship in the beauty of holiness, in spirit and in truth, rather than musical entertainment? Where are those who approach God with reverence and godly fear and do not treat the sacred things as though they were part of a carnival? Where are those who have laid hold of God? Where are the humble? Where are the pure in heart? Where are those who are being conformed to the image of the Son? Where are those who are putting on the mind of Christ? Where are the prayer warriors and the intercessors? Where are those who love and treat the poor, the elderly, the senile, the maimed, the feeble minded, the illiterate, the sick, the homeless, the diseased, the widow and the orphan, and those in prison as their own flesh, yea, as the Lamb of God Himself? Where are those who proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom without the slightest motive of financial reward? WHERE ARE GOD’S TRUE MEN AND WOMEN OF THE HOUR? Of this you can be certain — these will not be found within the halls of the harlot religious systems, nor will you see them on the Christian television networks. You will find them only among God’s faithful remnant that has heard the Spirit’s call to come out of that great city Babylon and, forsaking all, have gone unto Him, without the Camp, bearing His reproach, separated unto Him alone. No one can deny that religion today is BIG BUSINESS. Some of the best known “born again” Hollywood personalities, should you inquire about engaging them to give their testimony at a meeting, will send their business manager over with a contract guaranteeing them several thousands of dollars for their forty-five minute appearance; and if there is no contract, there is no “ministry”. This is not ministry — it is BIG BUSINESS. And the Judge standeth at the door. The local Christian Bookstore has become quite a showcase for what is called “Christian bric-a-brac”. They are crammed full of every imaginable trinket, plaque, statue, poster, and artifact that they can sell with a religious flavor. The country is swarming with those who call themselves Christian speakers, musicians, bands and singers who CHARGE an admission fee to their seminars and concerts. Verily, I say unto you, the ticket prices are an abomination and a stench in the nostrils of a holy God and a spike in the hand of our dear Saviour who freely and sacrificially gave His all for us and to us. There is no Biblical or scriptural foundation or precedent whatsoever for SELLING THE WORD OF GOD — be it a Bible, a sermon, book, trinket, concert, seminar or any other thing. It was just such abominations that led the firstborn Son of God to enter the temple in Jerusalem and, weaving a whip of cords, violently drive the money changers and those who bought and sold sacrifices from His Father’s house. Methinks it is TEMPLE- CLEANSING TIME AGAIN! J
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:04:34 +0000

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