LUOS WANTING A RAILA PRESIDENCY IS MORE ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY THAN ECONOMIC PROSPERITY. Most Luos are not dying to see a Raila Presidency one day for economic prosperity of Nyanza, but rather as a psychological satisfaction after long decades of struggle and also as a proof that hard work and struggle towards the good of others and equity for all can surely be rewarded with success it so deserves, and that all the struggle was not in vain. This is a deep psychological feeling that even economic prosperity of the LUO will not change, even if you make each and every LUO a multi millionaire, the past political wounds will not be healed without a Raila Presidency. This to a greater extent, is the only thing which will help them heal and reconcile with their inner selves and with other tribes especially the Kikuyu, thus enabling them to at last feel as a part of this country, true Kenyans, and stopping the “Nyanza sii Kenya” call. Most Kenyans do not know that this quest for psychological peace and satisfaction by the LUO in a Raila Presidency, is not in any way connected to the LUO quest for economical prosperity, but rather is only a quest for psychological satisfaction to feel the void left by political injustices towards them and their sons, and injustices towards other tribes that have all along been left out, but have been stood up for by Raila. All what has happened in the past to Luo politicians like Agwenge Odhek, Mboya wuod Rusinga and others has touched each LUO personally. Luos feel they were in the forefront for the struggle towards Independence. Oginga Odinga instead of taking the Presidency, decided to let Kenyatta do so, the struggle for Multipartism in which the Odingas were among the pioneers, Railas detention without trial for fighting for the rights of all Kenyans, his saying Kibaki Tosha, his eventual acceptance of the power sharing of the Grand Coalition, acceptance of the Mutunga Court verdict even when his votes were clearly stolen, and last but not least, his good intentions towards equality for all Kenyans and his fight against corruption. All these is what keeps the LUOS burning drive and is also a proof to them that Raila surely needs to lead this country to set it rolling in the right direction. Just as I have mentioned above,True healing of the divide along the tribal lines in Kenya and especially between the Kikuyu and the LUO will only happen with him finally taking over the helm. Whether any other LUO leader comes out and takes over the leadership of the LUO, but will not be sensitive to this psychological aspect of the political history connecting the Odingas and the LUOS, he will surely not succeed politically but will rather succeed in dividing the LUO.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 09:52:04 +0000

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