Lacerant Plainer: Science Fiction to Science : This is a - TopicsExpress


Lacerant Plainer: Science Fiction to Science : This is a fascinating story which I came upon. Knight-Ridder and a skunkworks team dreamed up an idea which was to come true in 15 years. Roger Fidler dreamt up a tablet computer. One wonders how much of Apples tech is not actually stolen from someone else? Article Extract: The Knight-Ridder company was once the USAs second largest publisher of newspapers. The company had the foresight to establish a small team to explore how the digital revolution might change the way future consumers would access news and other information, and how newspapers could adapt in order to retain their audiences. The work of this team, led by Roger Fidler, proved impressively prescient. It conceived of and described an entirely new product, a tablet computer weighing about a kilogram with a colour touch screen and resolution as good as paper — and identified how consumers would use such a device not merely as a tool to access news and information, but also to communicate and wirelessly purchase goods and advertised products. Shortly after this video was made, Knight-Ridder closed Roger Fidlers research project. A changed corporate leadership saw no urgency in pursuing the concept of the tablet. After all the newspaper business was still very profitable, and Rogers tablet was considered to be so far into the future as to be science fiction. Jury decision sounds suspicious : Samsung lawyers presented the Knight-Ridder research as prior art, arguing that many of Apples patents were not of its own original invention. The jury did not agree. Article link: More about Knight-Ridder: Apple steals tech? : #technology #ipad #newspaper
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 08:56:14 +0000

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