Ladies and Genteel men. I have sated this theory of mine to many - TopicsExpress


Ladies and Genteel men. I have sated this theory of mine to many people to why fat and ugly MEN can’t get laid. I want honest opinions. Please read it all before you make a comment. Here I go….. I have always had this theory that fat and or ugly Men will always have trouble getting a woman, or much less laid, here is why. History and society have made movies, and public comments, in magazines, papers, and on the net that fat guys are disgusting and ugly guys are worse. Time, and time again, the fat guy or the ugly guy will always be turned away by the female. Female’s standards are too high. Well you might say “why does the fat guy or ugly guy ask women of the same caliber?” Here is the thing, fat women and ugly women are even harder to get with because they are too busy looking for Dwayne the rock Johnson, or brad pit. They are too busy looking for them to notice the poor fat guy sitting next to them that would love to ride them into next week. So het this… Fat girls want skinny buff cute guys. Skinny girls want skinny buff cute guys. And ugly girls want the same. Guys are a little easier to contend with. Yes we like hot babes, but we will settle for what is our reality. Let’s face it all women are hot. Trust me when I say there is no woman out there that won’t get laid or find a man. Some man out there will always want that piece of action. Okay you are about to give me the standard politically correct lines… “There is always some out there for everybody” “love comes in all shapes and sizes” “you’re not looking in the right places.” Most of these saying come from the people who turn noses up at Joe Blow. Women. Lets look at facts… Bill gates is really ugly. His wife is a super model. How could that be? Gene Simmons, Ugly. His girl, ex-pinup. How is this possible? One word “Money”. Donald trump, Howard stern, the list goes on. So fat, and ugly men get laid when rich. So women, no problem getting some if you would look around you, and stop looking for rich hot guy. Fat, or ugly, or both dude, sorry better get rich quick if you want some tale. I want honest answers from you. Don’t worry about hurting feelings or being correct. I want TRUTH. You know this is true, now debate it.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 02:30:50 +0000

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