Last night I shared no more than a five minute conversation with - TopicsExpress


Last night I shared no more than a five minute conversation with some guy standing in line waiting for a friend at a bar. I dont remember his name or what he looked like but what he said has made a lasting impression. During this conversation he said that i was surprisingly smart. I presume it was a surprise to him that I had some sort of intelligence seeing as I had previously mentioned that I am 20, and working as a cosmetician rather than attending any kind of post secondary education. Am I wrong to be utterly insulted by the word surprisingly ? Should I feel badly that the only thing crossed my mind after he said that was that hes surprisingly stupid for being a university student at the ripe age of 21 in the 21st century and not yet knowing that in this current day and age information has never been more accessible through out history. We no longer hoard books inside of librarys at grand universitys for only the rich and privileged to educate themselves with. In 2014 any commoner with a smart phone or laptop is capable of educating themselves. The information on the internet is endless. I guess my point is that I would really like the world to know that one of the biggest misconceptions of present day is that people who are not being educated are uneducated. Lastly to those of you who would like to judge me or anyone else in my position for not dashing off to college at the age of 17 i beg of you all to pardon each of us for taking our time to make an educated decision on a career path that will create not only profit but a greater sense of self worth and a life worth living. My advice to those presumptuous individuals is to invest a little more time appreciating your social status in your cheeto dusted, ramen noodle stained, university branded sweat shirt while you actually study to insure that you make it out of university with good enough grades so that you have a fighting chance at getting the job of your dreams and paying off your debt and spend a little less time cutting down myself, and people a like while we try to work our way up.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 16:36:59 +0000

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