Last night I watched Panorama. So incensed was I that I was going - TopicsExpress


Last night I watched Panorama. So incensed was I that I was going to sit down right there and then get the program on I player and minute by minute write a contextualised version of my own. As nobody would read it I gave up on the idea. Instead did some hovering, finished the washing and put that out and got Laraine to bed. Then promptly fell asleep watching the last part of Cracker on ITV3. I am in touch with Vladimir Suchan on facebook. He has contacts with people involved with what is happening. It is far bigger than a scrap between the superpowers. It is a bid for freedom from Neo liberal policies and Oligarchic rule. Its a revolution! Russia has its concerns and interests, so do the EU, so do NATO and so do the US but the revolutionaries of New Russia say a plague on all your houses. I wrote the following as a comment to one of Vladimir Suchans posts. I wanted to know if I had got enough of it right. I got a like from Vladimir and therefore believe I am more or less correct in my assumptions. I wrote: Putin and Lavrov are negotiating on the bigger picture, whats good for Russia in relation to the west in general and NATO in particular. New Russia, as they style themselves is conducting a political revolution, the politics of which probably suites neither the West or East. They are in fact fighting the same fight as the Maiden protesters before those protests were hijacked by the ultra right neo Nazis and assorted fascists. That then at the begining the protests were against the corrupt oligarchy and the neo liberal economic structure that is supported by them in both East and West. So obviously Russia doesnt support New Russian political aims but feels obliged to support their military aims because that ties in with Russian concerns to maintain a buffer between itself and the NATO block. However neither West or East want a successful peoples republic because they do not want an example for all the world to see of what an economy of that sort would look like. So in true 1984 style the war goes back and forth until most infrastructure is destroyed and becomes a basket case, another failed state... What they are trying to do is to break the back of New Russia and destroy the revolution. They want to roll back and forth over that land until nothing of value remains. All this talk of Russian ghost armies is yet more bullshit. The military of New Russia are fighting badly trained, badly equipped and demoralised conscripts who dont want to be there in the first place. The only true resistance is coming from the regular Ukrainian army and the Banderite Neo Nazi National guard battalions made up of West Ukrainians and other far right supporters from Sweden among other places. The New Russian military are made up from local South and East Ukrainian people, Russian volunteers and many other contingents, some from France and others from Germany. Not only are they fighting against fascism they are fighting for a new but very old idea, fighting against the rotting festering elites that have exploited us all the world over for so long, the bankers who stole our childrens future and the political elites who impose austerity to save their own necks, the Oligarchs who feel they have the right to eventually own everything and impose Neo liberal - Neo Feudal rule on all humanity. The fight is for much more than a bit of land to call home. A land to self rule. We all have some skin in this fight and instead of believing the mouthpieces of Neo Feudal capitalism we should all support the struggle for true freedom. Russia is attempting to subvert the revolution by deposing what commentators have described as New Russias Romantic (read honest and idealistic) leaders with more pragmatic (read more pragmatic to Russian dictate - Kremlin Rule) leaders. While the Western powers will attempt to destroy its participants from the other side using everything at their disposal including far right elements who they feel they can placate or destroy after the job is done (as they think of ISIS in Iraq and Syria). We must help even if that help is only to set the record straight and inform others of what is really happening on the ground and what is really at stake. Remember Putin is no saint and neither is Obama or Merkel or any other of the Neo liberal leaders of the world. We really do stand on the cusp of a series of events that will dictate future history for generations. If the Neo Liberals win this fight we will continue on a trajectory of rampant unrepentant capitalism. the world will be one vassal state. The elites will own and rule everything through multi national corporations and We the people, well we wont.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 11:43:52 +0000

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