Last night and this morning (because my cleaner woke up and I fell - TopicsExpress


Last night and this morning (because my cleaner woke up and I fell back to sleep) I ended up having 4 really messed up dreams. They we’re kind of cool, but still, weird. Dream 1: A little girl with blonde pig-tails, kind of takes place in the 1840s by the looks of it. She and her pony have been wondering around for days, looking for something or somebody (I’m not sure what exactly), but they somehow end up at this strange house or apartment where it takes like forever go up the stairs with no sign or any other doors around, except the one at the very top floor. (Yes, the pony manages to come inside as well). When they reach the top floor, a mean-looking elderly man opens the door as at first, he appears to be friendly, but as the two head off somewhere, the man betrays the girl by selling the pony and forcing her to work as his slave. In the end, the little girl’s father managers to find her as it turns out that while on the journey towards the mean man’s house, she met another elderly man who happens to be an old friend’s of the girl’s father. Then the girl’s brother and pony shows up as well as it’s a happy ending. Dream 2: The Simpsons are trying to like escape from a nuclear disaster that is slowly following behind them and destroys everything in it’s path, like a large wave of green liquid that will melt everything. The Olsen twins (not in Simpson form) happen to be there (I have no idea why -.-‘) as they are holding a large book and are trying to figure out how to stop this world ending disaster. I have no idea how, but it worked XD Also there is side dream where I am trapped in this hide out where a beared man lives and tries to whoo me over, but luckily my family manages to save me, in a very easily way by escaping though an elevator. In the end, it it seen that Lindsay Lohan has taken my place in the trapped paradise place. Dream 3: It’s Christmas time and a seemingly nice family are trying to go Christmas shopping, when the father at first avoids buying a Christmas charm from a donation charity since the guy who runs it seems to act like a dick. But feeling guilty, he changes his mind and tries to buy the charm, but the guy behind the counter keeps giving him a really hard time. (It kind of reminds me of the movie “jingle all the way” kind of comedy) Dream 4: WARNING: This next dream contains so much violence! I am a little girl with short, brown hair who is at a fair with her family and pet dogs called “Babacon”. At first the family I am with and I are in some kind of weird house where everything is twisted and turned, like no matter how many tairs you go up or down, your on the same floor. We all manage to make it to the top somehow and the only way to get out of the park is to go down this elevator that is like a ride from hell. When we manage to reach the bottom, with some of our glass objects smashed from the ride, I realise that our dog has been left behind, so I decide to go back and find him. I end up running into Miley Cyrus (who happens to be there for some reason) who seems rather happy and actually leads me to the house again. It is then revealed that the Joker from Batman is running the house as he is constantly trying to lead me into his trap, but making the house all confusing for me while trying to find my dog, who I can hear barking. When I mange to find Babacon, the Joker reveals himself as he rants on about being evil, blablabla. I then pot a giant, large knife in a window display as I quietly heard towards it, holding Babacon in one arm. Just as the Joker is abut to strike me, I use the giant knife to stab him multiply times, weakening him. I then find himself outside of the building where it’s in the middle of a field where the joker suddenly turns himself into a large, which is mean out of snake heads with eyes watching me from every angle. I then end up fighting the snake and stab every snake eye that I can get, ultimately defeating him in the end. That is it, hope you enjoyed reading :)
Posted on: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 15:41:22 +0000

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