Last time I was in Bermuda, we were celebrating the life of a - TopicsExpress


Last time I was in Bermuda, we were celebrating the life of a great man, many of you were there too, with the sudden flight to Newyork, in need of medication and time away from the pressure of Bermuda, pushing my own sight onto others like I have the right too, I learned much with the unexpected developments and emotions of the people of this Human hive we call Manhattan , I wasnt here to stand for people who had their rights taken , still I found myself in Union square, with a troop of cops opposite the protesters I became apart of , Who has the right to determine the life of another man? I know I couldnt live with the weight of that on my shoulders, and Im not sure how some people in Bermuda can themselves. Still trying to find what Im searching for , unable to satisfy the needs of my own insane mind , realizing all I need is right at home, with friends, family, and even the people who call me enemy or rival . The fight is still going on in paradise, yet I have learned to appreciate the rights and gifts given to us by nature and society on our little rock, Im more determined than ever to continue with my venture into , medical cannabis , jewelry, music, and community involvement. I am nowhere near the wisdom and foresight as my elders but even they must understand the blindness they are apart of when they dont listen to the youth they have created and raised. Dont let anyone tell you that your truth is any less important Than theirs when you truly believe it. even myself . That was one of my first lessons on here and the most important. The new year is going to be a very interesting time in my life, and many others, Id have it no other way. Dont be afraid to talk to me when I am home, I feel my time on the political groups is coming to and end, and my real focus of future is on its way to the present, we find much insight with this group, and Ive learned much from you all, And the year in the life of hobo smith has only a few more moments left on this Track . Were you listening? I hope you heard . Namaste family. See you very soon .
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 00:37:29 +0000

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