Last year I posted an article on my page and have now come to - TopicsExpress


Last year I posted an article on my page and have now come to realize that I made an extremely atrocious error. I thought that as long as there was a disclaimer at the beginning of the article (ex. “I’m by no means a theologian or a scholar - mistakes on my end are always a possibility”), speculation, error, and carelessness was licensed. First and foremost, the speculation within the article wasn’t even presented as such. It was presented as fact (ex. the antichrist will be a genetic hybrid”, “the mark of the beast will be a DNA modification”, “humans replace fallen angels” / meaning of Zechariah 5, Satan’s rebellion - his motives, his strategy, the timing of his rebellion and the war in heaven, ETC… ETC… ETC…) – THERE IS NO WAY TO VERIFY ANY OF THIS, AND SOME OF IT HAS BEEN PROVEN FALSE BEYOND A DOUBT (Im still in the process of revisiting this article, which is why I say some. In reality, theres probably too many falsehoods and errors to name without turning this post into an essay). Speculation and worldly chatter is warned about in 2 Timothy 2. Speculation can lead to false teaching and false prophecy, which is exactly what this article was full of. It was a piece of work which contained a vast amount of error (in every section) mixed with SOME truth, and is extremely dangerous. It is a false Gospel, and was an extremely atrocious thing to put together and post. THE BIBLE IS 100% TRUE, however, the article I posted took the Gospel truth and added a bunch of poison to it (false doctrine/teachings, and false prophecy). I would like to warn people about getting involved with, and steeped in end times intrigue (as I did). No matter how anxious you feel about the direction the world is going, end times intrigue (and speculation in general) is an extremely dangerous path to walk. In the beginning, you genuinely believe you’re acquiring a stronger understanding of the truth (this is where pride enters into the equation and distorts your mind), when in fact, you’re trading the truth (Bible/Gospel) for a lie (speculation, false teachings, and false prophecies). So for those of you who viewed the article on my page last year, you need to dismiss it as a sham and a lie (because that’s what it is). I would also like to mention that even if some of the predictions presented in the article do come true (ex. War with Russia / WW3, Roman Catholic introduction of ETI Dogma, etc…), this will in no way shape or form legitimize the fraudulence of the article, as even a demoniac can successfully predict the future (read Deut.13:1-3). In my arrogance, I attempted to understand something without first conducting a comprehensive study of it. Afterwards, as I did pursue a comprehensive study of the Bible, I started to realize that I was a textbook case of both a deceiver, and the deceived (2Pet.2, 2Tim, Gal.5:7-10, Matt.24:11-12). This entire ordeal was an extremely serious error, and I can’t begin to tell people how important it is not to follow in my footsteps and promote speculation, lies, and false doctrine (or worst of all, take part in its authorship). It spins out of control way faster than one would think and you won’t fully realize the gravity of the sin and the error which you’ve committed until after the fact (assuming you’re even fortunate enough to come to that realization). If there’s one thing I’ve learned about theology, it’s that people should stick to the Bible and the Bible alone. If I had of done so, none of this would have happened. There’s a high likelihood of serious punishment attached to my error, so please, don’t take this warning lightly. The article was garbage and should be remembered/treated as such. (Id also like to point out that in one section, I stated people will only be forgiven if they refrain from making the same mistake twice. I have a horrible memory, but I think I intended this as a figure of speech. Regardless as to the intention, it was totally wrong)
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 23:39:54 +0000

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