Lately ive had to take a look at Middle Eastern events in what may - TopicsExpress


Lately ive had to take a look at Middle Eastern events in what may be a simplistic way but perhaps, Keeping it simple, exposes a deeper truth than through, Expert, analysis. ISIS is billed by western governments and the MSM as being an Islamic terror organization seeking a caliphate in the region but certain aspects of the current situation dont fit too well with that perspective. First off ISIS has made no mention of hostility to Israel, the universal target for radical Muslim groups worldwide....thats one side of the disconnect. On the other side of the latest, Coalition of the willing......., we see the allies denouncing ISIS brutality while failing to include the natural enemies of Sunni extremists ie. Hesbollah, the Syrian government, and the Russian government in any coalition even though they are natural allies in this context. If these two forces were to be encouraged to join the effort against ISIS the end of that terror group would be greatly hastened. During WW2 coalitions of strange bedfellows were necessary to hasten the demise of Nazism but nowadays the seemingly inescapable logic of, My enemys enemy is my friend, has ceased to hold meaning.......why? A glance at a map of the Eastern Mediterranean clearly shows the way in which Syrian land occupies a dominating seashore just to the north of the Israeli shore, any power dominating in Syria will largely control the Eastern Med. The usefulness of ISIS to the allies would lie in their destabilizing role against the Assad regime and their ability to spread destruction and fear throughout the region generally as occurred with similar groupings in Libya. All our governments hand ringing surrounding their brutality starts to sound very hollow when viewed in this light and as nothing more than a fig leaf attempt to hide our governments complicity in their actions. Following the disturbing backdrop to 911, Libya and the completely illogical and self destructive sanctioning of Russia by the EU in a series of moves which greatly harm European industries while leaving the American economy unscathed Im becoming persuaded that ISIS is a part of our leaders plan for dominance with only the American, European and Israeli elites benefiting from their activities......or am i not supposed to think like that.........?
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 11:19:11 +0000

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