Lava floods..!! Chapter 5. Tulip stood there with her eyes - TopicsExpress


Lava floods..!! Chapter 5. Tulip stood there with her eyes wide open. She couldnt believe that loman was standing unharmed in the lava..but more than that she couldnt believe that she herself stood unharmed in the lava. Tulip how do you feel..?? Asked loman smilinglhly. well I feel a faint warm tickling sensation at my warm water is flowing below my feet. Tulip said. Yes thats know for us its like water..water does not harm is very important to them..and in the same way lava is for us.. loman stated. well than what was that deep fear thing back there..why did you leave me in wild fear to die.. tulip literally barked out the words. well flarians usually dont die in this process..well its a rectification section..humans have a common fear of death..and as you can now properly see..we are not really humans..we differ from them in many of them is that..fear of death or of any dangerous thing is not at all felt by us..we dont have the tissue that makes you sense get me.. So back there in the rectification yourself killed all those wont ever fear to anything in your life now.. said loman proudly. But that is wrong loman..every being human or non human should feel matter of what it is..absence of fear might make any near human creature extremely over-confident.. tulip blurted out. I quite agree..that is the only issue you need to work on..but absence of fear will make you highly experienced and accurate, plus you can openly breath and respond to gravity system in are highly which ever condition you will be kept you will adapt..but not earth for now.. you are not yet completely clean by tissue.. loman said furrowing his eyebrows. Hold on..what clean tissues..what like..where are you gonna send me now..for clearence again..please..I am tired of this please.. Tulip listen to me..well you are not your parents biological daughter but an adopted one..they did not know this.. you were born in a wild cave ..which was formed after a wild volcanic eruption,basically you are volcanic..but when you were found and saved by a group of stranger scientists they thought of leaving you in an orphanage..because you were found alone in the cave..the group that found you..had been researching on volcanic eruptions at that were lucky..anyways they planned on leaving you..but than they noticed strange thing about were already capable of adapting to that cave any should have died..the temperature was suddenly dropped..but you lived..thats what made them curious..its like..they found a sparkling misshaped stone..which they were guessing was a diamond.. loman waited for tulip to speak,but when she did not he continued. First of all they attached you with a family and than observed your growth , your dream Your food consumption favourism and your daily heart beats..the researchers group called the quions kept an eye on you by keeping distance from..I guess you never realised you were so keenly being followed. Tulip shooked her head. well than I what was there conclusion on me and what did they do to me.. asked tulip nervously. Thats a most awaited and frequently asked question by you.. said loman The answer is quite simple..flarians are the near human species that come in exist after every 20 years.. they were monitoring 3 such cases at preset that is in 2071.. in which you were one.. case 1 and case 2 are dead.. and the way they were killed and experimented is astonishing..Ofcourse they were prone to lava..but they too were attached to familys who did not come in biological relation.. the most important feature of flarians is the heart brain co-ordination..our beats 3 beats a second not like human ..their rhythm is lub-dub.. and our is still minute for any equipment to hear.. they miss-matched this sequence..fear can make heart rate increase substantially..they kept injecting those artificial tissues into you as well those were responding to things in humanly manner.. the mismatch of heart brain when increases.. all the heat energy inside you finds a proper sequence to follow and for that it tries to break the bonds of body.. the last two cases were blasted off ..the blast was no less than.. nuclear missiles.. you too were injected with same scary dream..when you woke drank water.. according to our reports that calmed some of the hear reversals in you and thats the are still alive..but that to has some inverse and negative effects too.. -to be continued- #diya Reviews are most welcome
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 15:30:58 +0000

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