Lean On Him – Lesson Notes (Deut. 9:1-3) Introduction: After - TopicsExpress


Lean On Him – Lesson Notes (Deut. 9:1-3) Introduction: After 40 yrs. in the wilderness, the Israelites would have it made (Deut. 6:10-11). * First though, they had to defeat the Anakim (Num. 13:33; Deut. 2:10-11), people who appeared as giants. * Deut 9:1-3 – Moses tells Israel that God will help them defeat their enemy if they would trust (lean on) Him! * Same is true today (Phil. 4:13). God will not burden us beyond our ability to withstand (I Cor. 10:13). * What do we do in tragic family situations? How do we handle death, disappointment, etc? We lean on Him. 1. We lean upon the Lord when we weep. * We can turn to the world, or to God. We choose to become bitter, or better. * God promised Joshua He would be with them & need not fear (Josh. 1:9). * Joshua and Caleb knew they could defeat the giants (Num. 13:30; 14:8-9), but rest of Israel doubted. They developed SPIRITUAL AMNESIA! * God reminds them of His care (“remember” 13 times in Deut.). Reminder in Deut. 8:11. * Have we developed spiritual amnesia? Remember I Peter 5:7; Matt. 5:4. * John 11: Jesus wept over Lazarus (v. 35) but leaned on God (John 11:41). * Lean on the Lord, take His yoke upon you (Matt. 11:28-29). 2. We lean upon Him while we wait. * So many wait for medical test results & the uncertainty seems almost unbearable! * Some wait for surgery, some have had it and must wait to heal. Lean on God. * Parents/other family wait for loved ones to drive/fly home from school, etc. They often worry while they wait. * Isa. 40:29-31 – God will give us strength! Lean upon Him. 3. We lean upon Him while we wrestle with sin. * Satan is out to get us (I Peter 5:8). He’s that “old serpent” (Rev. 12:9-11). * Eph. 6:10-20 – we’re in a real, spiritual warfare! We must win in order to see heaven! * We can’t defeat Satan by ourselves – we must lean upon God! Our own strength/ingenuity not enough! * Heb. 4:14-16 – Jesus is our High Priest, was tempted like we are (Matt. 4, Luke 4), and overcame! How?? “It is written” (Matt. 4:4). * We lean on God through prayer (Romans 15:30). How often do we pray? Do we pray like Hannah? (I Sam. 1:15) * We must pray “in every thing” (Phil. 4:6-7). Preachers are no exception. * Be steadfast and always work for the Lord (I Cor. 15:58). * Be strong in the Lord (Eph. 6:10). * “I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13). 4. We lean upon Him while we worship Him. * “Worship wars” all around us. We must worship following the pattern & do things by Christ’s authority (Col. 3:17). * Being precise & doing it just like God commands does not mean cold, boring worship! (Psalm 95:1-2) * Lady once met Paul Newman in ice cream parlor. Lost all sense of her surroundings. When was the last time worshipping God did that to us?! Instead, we worry about the clock, worry about what we have to do later, etc. * God is in the presence of our worship (Matt. 18:20), so how could we be bored? * We must have God in our lives to lean upon (Jer. 10:23; Prov. 3:5). * The Lord delivered Paul through everything (II Tim. 3:11). You can’t lean upon God if you’re not one of His children. God cares about us all (John 3:16), but we must be part of His family (Acts 2:38 & 47). Please make your life right today! R.W. McAlister
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 22:40:53 +0000

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