Learn Fast with RICE (Part 2 of 7) The system introduced here - TopicsExpress


Learn Fast with RICE (Part 2 of 7) The system introduced here requires small changes in your learning habits but results in big improvement in how much you learn. What you are about to learn will benefit not only your current school work but the entire academic career! It all comes down to a four-letter word - RICE ! R = Rich Media: Multi-sensory learning for deep understanding and long-term memory (LTM) with integration of VAK (Visual, Auditory and Kinesthetic Learning). Chemistry, Biology and Physics are all visual-based subjects where your visual connections to the concepts will take your mastery into a higher level than texts. Adapt the rich-media learning and you will excel in science. Learning will be fun again. I = Immersion: Total immersion of yourself into science and math with great intensity to achieve rapid mastery. Keep up the fast pace of learning. Study everyday not once a week. You will connect concepts better and retain knowledge longer. Study intensively with visual and reinforce with audio for learning-on-the-go. C = Chunking: Divide-and-conquer approach by splitting huge content into smaller blocks for more manageable tasks and partition your time into shorter blocks for better focus. For example, divide an overwhelming science course into 24 segments with one segment (5-10 concepts) one hour at a time. Book yourself one hour study session at a time, once or twice a day. You will get there at no time. E = Exercise: Exercise what you learn. Problem solving is the key and constant practice is the solution. This step should go beyond problem sets in your textbooks. Be inquisitive and self-questioning. Relate and apply your knowledge anyway anywhere you can. There you have it - RICE. Based on R-I-C-E, the Rapid Learning system engages learners with smart teaching and rich-media (R) at rapid immersion style (I) by mastering one chapter at a time (C) with emphasis on deep concept understanding and interactive problem solving (E). #RICE #Rapidlearning #masterstudent
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 19:13:31 +0000

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