Entertainers/humans famous enough for all of us to know of who I - TopicsExpress


Entertainers/humans famous enough for all of us to know of who I believe actually aid the human race: 1. Angelina Jolie. Old soul. Deep. Helps many without need of credit for such. 2. George Carlin. He had voice for the ones who cant speak the truth but who loved his cajones and requirement of and for screaming the truth whilst vicariously nodding. (Beasts hear in a louder volume) 3. Bjork. Her music lifts the frequency to a higher vibration. Beter than a nap. Better than an advil. 4. Morgan Freeman. His soul is just Peace and we all sense, know and feel It merely by his presence. 5. Robin Williams. He was the king of true sweetness. 6. Catherine Feeny. She is a healing prophet of society aim. Ruminate on her lyrics on an album called America. 7. Most children and teens currently 2014 ages 0-16. The new agile multi-functioning souls who will take over with Sense to straighten out with unapologetic veracity the absolute chaos that their predecessors left in their shitty wake. 8. Moby elevates. A bit of a male Bjork fabric. Totally authentic, as each if above are.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 03:46:53 +0000

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