Learn the difference of equality and justice, and apply what you - TopicsExpress


Learn the difference of equality and justice, and apply what you have learned, there is a big difference between them two, equality bases on the assumption that every receiving party is equal in every aspect so likewise they will be getting all in equal shares or doing everything in an equal manner but as you may see the real world, not one person is equal or the same as the next, we are all completely different in every aspect you may think of justice applies to these irregularities, where the one who needs more gets more and the one who needs less gets less or the one who is capable to do more will do more and anyone who unable to or incapable to do more will do less. in this you even notice the practice of compassion taken into play. the problem with these society is that, we have managed to find tags for everything and everyone negatively, for some it is much easier to point and critic, than it it is to to approach inquire and may be understand justifying any negative action because of monkey see monkey do. or its the way things are but you are a person, and a such you are in power to change any corrupt loops many people wont because they are too afraid of what people may say, or too afraid to be wrong, therefore never speaking up i for one fell in that fear which i am fighting my way out of i hope some will do the same, and share that knowledge so we all do the same we help evil by continuing it , and not stooping it when we see that we have the power to do so
Posted on: Sun, 21 Jul 2013 22:42:22 +0000

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